While David is still “thawing out”..heh…I will do my best to entertain y’all…I know a little controversy wouldn’t ruffle David’s feathers so feel free to share your slant on this one eh? 🙂
By: Angel

A Catholic city councillor in Kamloops, British Columbia, who was himself the victim of the crime of vandalism due to his faith, has been forced to apologize and pay a homo-sexual activist couple $1000.
Canadian City Councillor Fined $1000 for Saying Homose-xuality “not Normal or Naturalâ€Â

In line with Catholic teaching on the matter, he described hom-osex-ual acts as “not normal and not natural.”
“I’m not against les-bian and gay people, but I don’t agree that I should have to endorse it.” He also said that people can do what they like in the privacy of their own homes, but, he said in reference to gay pride parades, they shouldn’t “go out and flaunt it, in front of people who don’t necessarily agree.”
In addition to paying $1,000 to Olynick and Koll, DeCicco will provide a statement saying his comments were “inappropriate and hurtful to some.”

Ah. So all of a sudden it’s acceptable for the self-proclaimed secular “authorities” to discipline free speech when it runs counter to secular teachings or dogmas.

Apparently, according to secular Libland and the ones in power, the right to freedom of expression, only applies to information or ideas that are favorably received or regarded as “inoffensive” by the Powers that Be.
They can justify the proliferation of pornography, religious denigration, or abide public exhibits and humor which may offend, shock or deeply disturb people of moral values and faith, but religious leaders may not express their spiritual views with the same impunity.
As a nation we embrace political correctness.
We thus have organized groups like the ACLU and CA-IR who are capable of imposing their unique brand of hypocrisy and we witness the domination of the most conventional and traditional thoughts and ideas that our very society was founded upon.
When the Muuuhamad cartoons erupted upon the scene, in France, Germany, Italy, Norway and Austria, newspapers and magazines republished the cartoons in an attempt to make the point that the limits of free speech must not be dictated simply “by those who might take offense.”
Right here in America. NO one published them.
Out of “sensitvity”?..Ha. 
They simply caved in to the censorship of the mob.
Some editors in other countries had to go into hiding, some were fired and others resigned over that matter. Americans just put on their knee pads instead. 
But, now, secularists can hijack the “who gets offended by it” issue for their own seedy purposes and politcal agenda.
They don’t call for restraint and responsibility on the part of pornographers, Christ or Jew haters. Why? Because those provocations don’t dangerously fuel passions and worldwide violent reprisal. That’s why.
Dissent, is no longer acceptable and has to be cloaked in ambiguity to ward off the law suits and retaliation by the self appointed secular Gods.
“In line with Catholic teaching on the matter, he described hom-osex-ual acts as “not normal and not natural.”
According to the Bible:
“You [masculine] shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22)
“If a man lies with a male as a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them.” (Lev. 20:13)
Where the bible mentions homo-sex-ual behavior at all, it clearly condemns it.
Christian and all religious morality is but a way of expressing the integrity of our relationship with God. This includes divine law in the sexual realm as well.

The Lib secularists have taken it upon their self proclaimed selves to filter out what they perceive as sexism, patriarchalism, violence, and homophobia from the Bible.
They get to choose our ethics?
It is now our task to build ethics on the basis of bad science and secular indoctrination?

Last time I checked, in our democracy, no group, no matter how religious, has the right to claim an exemption from criticism or parody even. But “special interest” groups like Muzlims and homo-sexuals can?

Religious insights and ideas may be arrived at through a path that is based on Faith, not reason and is therefore not amenable to ordinary argument and debate, but it is nonetheless an insight and idea.
So, here we go again my friends.
The very same people who purport to protect free speech and the “civil liberties” of all Americans, at the moment that speech comes into conflict with their agenda or mission, they are first in line to quell those words, and most certainly not to protect that “speech.”
And to the couple who sued the Catholic city councillor:
Uh…about your understanding of tolerance, free speech and justice…well…you might just want to revisit an English dictionary.
What do ya suppose the Canadians think eh?
Crossposted at: Woman Honor Thyself