Make Chaos Manor a regular stop

What? You don’t already visit Jerry Pournelle’s website at least once a week? *sigh*


Here’s a very brief sample of why you should:

“The last place in the world that Marxism is entrenched and solid is in the Modern Language Association and our college departments of English and other ‘Humanities’. Now I understand the urge to moderation in enthusiasm about Science as the only thing worth understanding and studying. There is more to life. Man does not live by bread, free trade, and maximum production efficiency alone; at least not and stay human. C. P. Snow tried to show some of this, and rightly. Science is a way to address certain problems, and to answer many questions. It generates technology. It has changed the world.

There can be and are legitimate criticisms of science from the Humanities. C. S. Lewis in The Abolition of Man did a splendid job of raising important questions, and his That Hideous Strength is a demonstration in fiction of what can happen when we apply technology without thought to ends. That, however, is not what ‘deconstruction’ and Feminist Theory and the rest of this academic shamanism is about.”_*_

Dr. Pournelle and his readers discuss such a wide array of topics that that sample could be misleading. Just take it as given that you will find something of interest on one of your visits. Give it a while. At least one of your own “hot topics” will be discussed by folks who are smarter than I.

You can thank me later.

High-class snark from Mark Steyn

Among mass media types, there are a very few who do snark well…

Ann Coulter is Queen of Vicious Polemic. Mike Adams is Count of Academic Invective. But James Lileks and Mark Steyn are the Co-regents of High-Class Snark. An example from Steyn:

…Sitting behind yet another Vermont granolamobile bearing the bumper sticker “Bush Scares Me,” I found myself thinking that perhaps the easiest way to reduce childhood obesity in American families might just to be to shout out, “Look! There’s big scary Bush! Run! Run for your lives! No, wait, there’s John Bolton, too! Better cut through the park before he puts his hands on his hips in an aggressive manner!”

Read the rest here.

h.t. Nickie Goomba

But we were born free… weren’t we?

“…nationwide, the police are telling merchants to be suspicious of sales of charcoal, coffee filters, aluminum foil and Kitty Litter.”

Note to self: make sure no two of those items are in my grocery basket in any one trip. The feebs might think I’m cooking meth… [see Update, below]

No kidding.

Jerry Pournelle comments:

“Having a good universal crime like possession of kitty litter, coffee filters, and camp stove fluid is good for the anarcho-tyranny state which thrives on being able to threaten anyone with jail who doesn’t “cooperate” by finking on someone else; but it’s not so hot for a self governing republic.”

All I have to say to the feebs is, Get outa my grocery cart! Go sniff some IRS agent’s pants.

My view is idiosyncratic, to say the least. I’d support making all of the drugs now proscribed available for FREE to anyone who wanted them on the premise that it’d probably end up doing several things, most of them useful:

Save one heckuva lotta tax $$

  • Clean the gene pool of people too stupid to understand (or care) what those drugs did to them. Ditto the families of young users who don’t care enough to enforce some tough love*
  • Kill the big “drug war” federal industry, putting a lot of really bad people on the dole…
  • Put the drug gangs outa business (at least outa the drug business… they’ll go into other unsavory areas, of course)

*Note: yeh, I acknowledge some tweaking would be necessary. For example: holding parents legally and financially responsible for damage their children might do while stoned outa their gourds. (“But I can’t control lil Johnnie!” Tough. grow up and be a parent.)

Of course, adults who did (do) damage to others while stoned should be held accountable as well. Fully accountable, not some sort of weenie “diminished capacity” pseudo-accountability. Someone chooses to use mind-altering drugs (including alchohol) and while in the “diminished capacity” they chose to inflict on themselves, harms someone else, throw the book at them. (After encasing the book in concrete and using a ballista or some such to throw it… Unlimited free throws allowed until a solid hit is accomplished.)

Ahhh, I’m safe on the coffee filters, now. Bought a semi-permanent “gold” basket filter… I hope the feebs don’t think that means I’m gold-plating some meth. Doofs. Learned nothing from the failure of Volstead Act implementing enforcement of the 18th Amendment.

h.t. Jerry Pournelle.

Update: How about we encourage the spread of a new real-world meme? Once a month, make grovery-cartsful purchases of charcoal, coffee filters, aluminum foil and Kitty Litter. Use the LARGE quantities of these products for outdoor barbeque/cookout meterials. For example, CHEAP clay-only kitty litter for lining firepits. Charcoal and aluminum foil: obvious cookout uses. Coffee filters: loads of uses. Get the cheap kinds in bulk for uses other than making coffee.

Please submit suggestions for how to use large quantities of these products in legal ways in comments. Coffee filters, for example, make GREAT, very inexpensive dryer sheets if soaked in a liquid clothes softening product and allowed to dry. Gimme loads more ideas, please.

If enough people make “large” purchases of these innocuous products and then sue the living daylights out of LEOs that harass them for doing so, maybe we could effect a swing toward common sense in law enforcement. As it is, we’re ALL assumed to be criminals, it seems.

UPDATE #2: In comments, Diane suggests,

“Coffee filters do pretty well as eyeglass cleaners. Kitty litter can be used on concrete to soak up oil and other liquids. Aluminum foil has a variety of uses, such as covering your windows so the government peeps can’t peek through and you can also fashion it into a hat to keep aliens from reading your thoughts!”

I’m pretty sure Diane made that last suggestion tongue-in-cheek. Everyone knows most aliens can’t read one’s thoughts. If they could, would Mass Media Podpeople be losing so much of their audience?

The good thing about Islamic jihadists

We all tend to see the worst in our enemies…

We tend to see in our enemies those things that allow us to dehumanize them in our eyes and finally simply objectify them. That’s understandable. Of course, when one observes, no matter how objectively or carefully, the speech and behaviors of Islamic jihadists, it becomes darned near impossible to see anything other than that which fully justifies objectifying them as inhuman monsters.

But they do all share one glowing, positive, wonderful quality:

They can die.

A Repeat Post

With a very few additional comments…

Every now and then—more this week with the liars in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army kicking up a tempest in a teacup about an offhand (and very classically Liberal) remark by President Bush—I run across some very stupid people who actually treat “reports” by Mass Media Podpeople as “news” and so equate Intelligent Design with “creationism” (the latter being a completely wacked-out buncha crap).

Here’s a post I made back on May 28 this year in response to that class of doofs who take anything that’s been said by a Mass Media Podperson without doing their own—honest—homework.

That’s “Intelligent Design”

Every now and then I run across another wannabe enrollee in the Darwinist Seminary who insists that Intelligent Design scientific theorists are “loony right-wing illiterate wacko creationists.”

Just goes to show you that the Darwinist religion is as peopled with sub-literate wackos as the Creationists are.

Via Jerry Pournelle, here’s one of the better popular explanations of Intelligent Design thinking I’ve seen: “Intelligent Decline, Revisited” by Mustafa Akyol. A sample:

In a nutshell, Intelligent Design is the theory that argues life on Earth is the product of natural laws, chance and intelligence. Darwinism, on the other hand, accepts only the first two causes, because, according to materialist philosophy, intelligence does not exist unless it evolves over time from mindless matter.

There’s more, and it’s all easily accessible and calmly presented.

Anyone convinced by the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army (or even by lying creationist wackos—and there are more than a few of those) that ID=creationism in disguise and who still refuses to do any honest homework on their own to discover what real ID-ers are doing and saying is beyond hope.
Brain dead is all dead.
There is a lot of material readily availailable with a simple google search. Any honest inquirer can sift the wheat from the chaff (the liars from the honest truth-seekers) pretty easily on this matter. Anyone who doesn’t want to do their own homework has already made up their mind and any argument they make on the matter is strictly a religious one. Neodarwinism as a fun-damn-mentalist* materialism religious cult on the one hand against fun-damn-mentalist* fill-in-the-blank (Christian, Mormon, Muslim, Hindu) on the other.

*fun-damn-mentalist: one whose primary enjoyment in life is playing games with the truth and pronouncing anathema on others. Differs from genuine fundamentalist religious thought/behavior in that it has no desire to inquire or search for understanding. Fun-damn-mentalism’s only precept is to wipe out all that differs from it.

Quote for the day

Reading the first nine chapters—a preview—of a new John Ringo book online right now. This comment by “President Cliff” is best understood in context…

“Religion of peace my a$$.” from Ghost by John Ringo (Baen Books, October 2005)

A real and present danger

While it is a bit of an extension to say that the Constitution died at Appomattox, it’s not so much of a stretch to say the ACLU wants to put a stake in its heart…

(You may have noticed that the title of this post wasn’t “A clear and present danger.” That’s because the ACLU and their ilk do a good job of muddying the waters about what they are doing.)

Each small victory for the ACLU is a body blow to the Constitution, a blow against the rule of law and a victory over morality and the forces of civilization.

Does that seem like an outlandish statement to you? Let me direct your attention to a few things the ACLU is attacking now, or has been attacking:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


“NYCLU [NYC chapter of ACLU] Urges Commuters To Report Stories On Bag Searches”_1_

Twisting the Fifth Amendment to make NYC citizens less safe. How nice. (What part of “provide for the common defence” does the ACLU/NYCLU not understand?)

And speaking of twisting the Fifth Amendment, read the Fifth Amendment:

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Now, will you tell me just where in the Fifth Amendment a woman’s right to kill her unborn child is found? And yet, that’s what the ACLU argued to a runaway Supreme Court that the Fifth Amendment provided, so that they now claim that as one of their great victories:

1973 Roe v. Wade/ Doe v. Bolton One of the Court’s most significant decisions, Roe erased all existing criminal abortion laws and recognized a woman’s constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy. In Doe, the companion case, the Court ruled that whether an abortion is “necessary” is the attending physician’s call, to be made in light of all factors relevant to a woman’s well-being._2_

So much for the rule of law. If “rule of law” meant anything to the ACLU, then it’d be ruled by what the law says.

But what of the other Amendment dear to ACLU hearts (supposing such things can be found :-)? In First Amendment cases, the ACLU has been quick to do everything it can to intimidate with expensive lawsuits schools, cities and even private businesses whenever it finds expressions of Christian symbols or values, while either standing aside or finding plenty of resources to aid in the spread Islam, even to the point of aiding and supporting organizations like CAIR that actively support Islamic terrorism._3_; _4_; _5_

And what’s with this business of re-defining—and getting credulous justices to go along!—”free speech” as “free expression” in the First Amendment, when “free expression” is a term Madison, the author of the Amendment, said was nonsense? ALL the Framers understood “free speech” (and a “free press”) to mean discussion, either verbally or in print, of public policy. Grunts and howls and grabbing of genitalia and thrown feces (today called “artistic expression” by soi disant intellectual elites) they left to animals.

What other bloody chunks of the Constitution do you want the ACLU to tear off? Just give ’em room. Pretty soon the pack animals of the ACLU and their ilk will have the Constitution fully digested and all we will be left with will be the… uhm, “end product” of their work.

N.B. Much of the ACLU’s intrusion into private or state affairs is due to their twisting of the 14th Amendment to make all Federal laws and all aspects of the Constitution—as the ACLU twists its clear text meaning—apply in all private and local and state matters.

This has been another (day late) post for the Stop the ACLU Blogburst

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Carnival of… Comedy, #14

You know, these Carnival of Comedy roundups are always funnier when the host misspells my blog’s name…

So, of course Rightwingduck climbs on the bandwagon


But seriously, folks, he’d just flown in from the Left Coast and his wingtips were tired, so NOT typing “county” was an excusable error, right?

CLICK on over, check out the roundup of humor (some, like my own “Silver Lining” post, aren’t really funny enough to be comedy, but they’re all humorous in one way or another), express your sympathy for Rightwingduck’s spelling disability and come on back here (thanks for offering up a correction already, Spacemonkey). We’ll dish on your take later.

Don’t be too hard on Rightwingduck, though. I’ve already had a HUGE 2-visitor increase in traffic from the Carnival of Comedy #14 post…


This bill is a good example of bad government run amok.

[N.B. “anarcho-tyranny” is a term coined (as far as I know) by Jerry Pournelle meaning “using massive quantities of regulations to effectively eliminate the rule of law, by leaving everyone fearful that they’ll do something to bring the government down upon them. When everyone is already a criminal, government can do as it wishes, and find some basis to act against any of the criminals (i.e citizens) who are dumb enough ruin their lives by resisting.” _1_]

Yep. The link above is to a gummint site hosted pdf of an actual bill (H.R. 1279) sent from the House to the Senate. It’s as badly-written as the RICO statutes were. Just more excuses for feeb prosecutors to be able to “get” anyone they want, a la Martha Stewart. This one just enables a feeb prosecutor to nail darned near anyone they want to who has defended themselves and their family via use of a firearm.

Don’t believe me. Go read the whole thing and see what this bill aimed at “gang crime” could do in the hands of a prosecutor who would seek conviction of someone (Martha) for denying she had committed a crime… that was not a crime to begin with. (Yeh, the Martha case taught us all two lessons: they’ll get you if they want you and NEVER talk to the feebs. Never.)

BTW, how bad are the RICO laws this bill is patterned after? Out of tons of stories of abuses of RICO, here’s the bones of one I know personally. Imagine a family who moves 500 miles to a different state, builds a home and settles into a community. They don’t sell their previous home, but instead they contract with a management company to lease it to tenants.

A couple of years pass. They recieve peremptory notice from the feebs that their rental property has been siezed under RICO provisions cos some renters were using it for RICO-prohibited activities. They lost their property. Period. Also all the $$ they spent to stay out of prison themselves because the management company they had contracted with had rented ONE property (theirs) to some people who ran afoul of RICO statues.

Multiply that by all the other similar properties seized and innocent families persecuted by turf-building RICO feebs and then imagine how similar “gang-related” definitions can also be twisted against legitimate activities and associations.

There goes yet another piece of the First Amendment. And darned near the entire Second Amendment. The Fifth has been eviscerated by Kelo. We are well into a society, now, where “rights” are no longer rights inherent in The People but licenses which the government can strip, modify or simply deny at will.

We’re getting very close to needing a Tea Party. *sigh* (And I don’t really like tea all that much… )

hat tip to Cao for the lead on this.