Carnival of… Comedy, #14

You know, these Carnival of Comedy roundups are always funnier when the host misspells my blog’s name…

So, of course Rightwingduck climbs on the bandwagon


But seriously, folks, he’d just flown in from the Left Coast and his wingtips were tired, so NOT typing “county” was an excusable error, right?

CLICK on over, check out the roundup of humor (some, like my own “Silver Lining” post, aren’t really funny enough to be comedy, but they’re all humorous in one way or another), express your sympathy for Rightwingduck’s spelling disability and come on back here (thanks for offering up a correction already, Spacemonkey). We’ll dish on your take later.

Don’t be too hard on Rightwingduck, though. I’ve already had a HUGE 2-visitor increase in traffic from the Carnival of Comedy #14 post…

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