High-class snark from Mark Steyn

Among mass media types, there are a very few who do snark well…

Ann Coulter is Queen of Vicious Polemic. Mike Adams is Count of Academic Invective. But James Lileks and Mark Steyn are the Co-regents of High-Class Snark. An example from Steyn:

…Sitting behind yet another Vermont granolamobile bearing the bumper sticker “Bush Scares Me,” I found myself thinking that perhaps the easiest way to reduce childhood obesity in American families might just to be to shout out, “Look! There’s big scary Bush! Run! Run for your lives! No, wait, there’s John Bolton, too! Better cut through the park before he puts his hands on his hips in an aggressive manner!”

Read the rest here.

h.t. Nickie Goomba

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