“Snow” Day Again

Late start today. Not that the whole county shut down, but since my Wonder Woman had a “snow” day, I’ve kept things close in and we’ve worked on a little advance Spring Cleaning. I’ve been in storage areas of my office that haven’t seen the light of day for years. Two whole drawersfull of stuff I simply dumped in a box for later sorting (and yes, I will do that!) and labeled, “Junk from 2 drawers”–*heh*

Once whole LARGE file cabinet drawerfull of ancient floppies. Need to sort through them all, archive (and enter into database that’s stored in the same place!) all the data I should/want to keep and burn to multiple CDRs or a couple of (duplicate) DVDs for archiving, then format or toss (or even archive, sorted and labeled) the floppies in a more easily accessible fashion.

To give you an idea: I have 3.5″ and 5.25″ floppies going back through all the DOSes to about DOS 3, back further to TRSDOS floppies–and even some Mac software/archives.

That stuff really needed sorting out!

(My paper files were mostly sorted some weeks ago.)

Then, there’s the “surface” storage… shelves and such like. Most of the old music, language, history, etc., books have already been boxed (and labeled and etc.), but there’re still five very, very full shelves of books n such that need sorting out.

Then, of course, I need to clean and sort out the bookshelves in the living room for refiling with previously boxed books…

This Spring cleaning thing is pretty heavy stuff (book boxes, get it? :-))!

Oh, well, at least I had some “deck beer” to lighten the load. (“Deck beer”–over-sugared some beer for bottle conditioning. Temnps outside have been mostly below freezing for a while… so, placed a bunch of bottles of this beer outside for conditioning after only 3 days. It’s all turned out very, very good. Whatta save!)

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Hobson’s Choice

“A Hobson’s choice is a free choice in which only one option is offered, and one may refuse to take that option. The choice is therefore between taking the option or not taking it. The phrase is said to originate from Thomas Hobson (1544–1630), a livery stable owner at Cambridge, England who, in order to rotate the use of his horses, offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in the stall nearest the doorβ€”or taking none at all. It is analagous to the expression ‘my way or the highway’.”1

Well, the presidential field is narrowed even further, it seems. Now, we have a choice between candidates who want to drive the country off a cliff to its doom at 120mph and candidates who want to drive the country off a cliff at a sedate 75mph…

Not really much of a choice.

Makes the case for striving to see congresscritters, state and local pols elected who give a damn about more than just their own personal power and their “Surrender, America!” ideologies. (And if you think for one minute Juan McCain’s “surrender America’s sovereignty at the borders” position isn’t fundamentally the same as the other candidates’ “Surrender America” positions then you are sadly deluded.)

Look closely at candidates for Congress, for state and local offices. Vote “Hell no!” against those whose positions fail to defend the U.S., your State or locality against the evils of alien invasion and… invasive government. Vote for people with the [intestinal fortitude] to tell “Surrender America!” judges, executives and bureaucrats to take a quick ride on the express train to hell.

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“Super” (disgusting) Tuesday

Well, I’ll cast my vote a little later today in my state’s participation in the “Super” (disgusting) Tuesday event. Don’t worry about my vote; I’ll find some way to cast it for “None of the above”…

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It’s a rope, maybe a tree, perhaps a kazoo…

Ever listen to a politician *spit*, Mass Media Podperson, or Academia Nut Fruitcake a talk about a “problem” (usually caused by their interference)? They all seem to sound like the proverbial blind men attempting to describe an elephant. Nothing they say seems to have anything but the slightest, almost fantastical relation to the actual facts, but they are rock solid certain (or rock solid liars pretending to be rock solid certain) that what they describe is real, real I tell you!


The sad thing is that so many self-made idiot sheeple stupidly nod their heads, “Baaah, baaah, baaah,” in agreement with these talking heads of cabbage.

And that, my friends, is why we have both the Dhimmicrappic and Republican’t parties acting together as the Uniparty, fighting over how quickly to tear this country down and salt the earth it sprang from.

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Interesting read…

…from a guy who has some knowledge of the subject. As Wikipedia (not always the best source, but close enough here) puts is, “Jerry Pournelle is a essayist and science fiction author. He holds advanced degrees in psychology, statistics, engineering and political science.”

The Voodoo Sciences

Even though its focus is not directed specifically at the science/politics interface, it’s worth reading as a prelude to considering how politics affects what is regarded as science in climatology, medicine, and other fields.

Writing elsewhere referring to the essay linked above, Pournelle does a nice shirt cuff precis of the essay:

“I long ago did an essay on “The Voodoo Science” in which I pointed out that novelists require only plausibility, lawyers need evidence, but science requires data — and also requires that ALL the data be taken into account, which means going outside closed systems to check with the real world. And that, I think, is the real difference between the fuzzy subjects and the sciences and the humanities: if you endlessly apply logic to a closed system with no chance of checking against reality, you had better have chosen the right closed system — and we have no way of knowing what that one is.”

Worth taking a couple of minutes out of your day to read and ponder, IMO.

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Dontcha Love All That Helpful Spam?

Another couple of comment spams got me thinking (not hard and not long, just twigged a couple of synapses):

“How to pick up women”

Well, I don’t need that info. Those days are long past. Although I do recall that I used to pick women up with ease. Why, I recall one whole day (when we were just dating, many, many moons ago), I picked my Wonder Woman up and walked around around an amusement park with her riding piggyback…

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Thought for Today

A mini-micro post inspired by a comment today that got me thinking about politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople and others, from Neal Boortz’s Top Ten Thoughts for 2008:

“Some people are like a Slinky … not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.”


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Passing Shots

Saw this some time ago. Can’t remember who to credit with a hat tip:


On the road the other night. Saw a semi with a company logo with a motto that read, “Employee owned; customer driven.” Huh! They send the customers out driving those big rigs? That explains some things…

And while I’m on the road, did you ever notice that the idiots are really thick at night? Don’t believe me? Next time you’re out at night, just count how many folks can’t find their dimmer switch.

Anyone ever tell you, “Practice makes perfect”? If that were so, politicians would get it right at least once in a while.

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New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day: Pig in a Blanket

That’s me: staying warm n toasty and “pigging out” on Bryn Terfel while enjoying some home brewed wheat beer (yeh, yeh: from a kit ;-)).


This kinda stuff can easily carry me through New Year’s Day.


Bryn Terfel - We'll Keep a Welcome

Bryn Terfel – We’ll Keep a Welcome


Mr. Beer Whispering Wheat Weizenbier Refill Brew PackMr. Beer Whispering Wheat Weizenbier Refill Brew Pack

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Dream Fred08 Ad

THIS is not an official, approved Fred08 ad… but it darned well oughta be. *heh*

What’s not to like?

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