Good Doc. (Scarcer Than Hens’ Teeth)

Always happy to visit my doc (a real rarity, let me tell ya!). Since I always identify aches, pains, symptoms, etc., by the correct terminology (and anatomical locations, etc.), he tends to treat me almost as a colleague when discussing my health issues. Oh, and occasional, “hoplite” conversations are a staple of visits, too (though I do tend to envy him his firearms collection). Last visit featured a discussion of my CC solution (which he kinda liked).

Here’s a first ever: I have a “prescription coffee mug” inscribed with his name for my next scheduled visit. *shrugs* Saw it and it just screamed, “The Doc needs this!” *heh* Only “Doctor Jim” (family friend in my childhood) and old Doc Paramore ever caused me to actually enjoy spending time around ’em before this guy. Just about every doctor apart from these three has been pretty much an ass. . . and I’ve experienced more of ’em than I’d ever want anyone to. (In fact, I’ve had sixty years of dealing with “iatrogenic” problems “gifted” me by an asshole orthopedist. Oh, well. He’s dead now.)