Ya Never Know. . .

You may never know what effect you have on someone, but sometimes. . .

Interesting guy I met one day back in 2010, here in America’s Third World County™ – just barely here in the county; the town he lives in is about 1/2 in a neighboring state. But anyway, interesting guy. Likes to talk mostly about music, his American Indian heritage (he refers to himself as an Indian, not a “native American” or whatever the current buzz term may be), religion in general and also specifically relating to his heritage, and more.

One day when we had met again by chance, as is our wont, he started asking questions about the Bible and Xian theology as he saw it represented in society, and one of his questions spurred me to pull my lil pocket New Testament out of a pocket in my ADC (All Day Carry) vest in order to use a direct quote from scripture to answer his question.

The last couple of times we have interacted, we began as usual asking how each other was doing. His top answer both times was, “Reading my Bible.” Now, discussions about religion/theology have been more oriented toward him contrasting and comparing observations about Xianity in society as against scripture, demonstrating on his part a serious inquiry.

Ya never know. . .