Eprep Funzies

Back before The Great TP Panic of 2020, I purchased a pack of Chinese TP – 36 very, very tightly wound rolls of very high quality. double-sheet TP with no cardboard tubes in the middle. I have since used part of one roll, just to evaluate it. The individual sheets separate along perforations with quite some difficulty compared to ordinary Charmin, etc. The individual sheets are also about 25% larger in size than usual grocery store fare. And I did imply that they are strong, didn’t I? Very, compared to usual TP strength.

Nice texture (very smooth), strong, larger sheets: a superior product that is simply not quite as handy to use because of the lack of a cardboard tube in the middle. So. . . Still useful.

Shrink wrapped in smaller packs, now. Five as individual packs for EDCs, BOBs, etc.

Terminally Stupid Quora Questions

I used to think FarceBook and TwitPost were the best “stupid traps” on the interwebs, but Quora has begun to convince me otherwise. For example, a recent question:

Why does Grace O’Malley-Kumar’s mother believe there should be mandatory prison terms for knife carrying?

(Recap, some goblin in Nottingham, England, attacked a teen with a knife as she tried to protect a friend, killing her.)

My answer to this stupid question is,

Because she stupidly blames the tool for the actions of the killer. Banning the carrying of knives is as stupid as banning guns. Only those who intend no harm to others will comply. Those who intend to harm others will not comply. After all, they already intend to break the law with acts of violence.

What should be done instead is for the killer (whom I will not name, because spreading his name just adds to his “fame”) to be executed using the same means he used to kill Grace. Publicly. Videoed and broadcast regularly as a warning to other goblins. (BTW, that is how drunk drivers who kill someone should be executed: by having their car – or its remains – dropped on them until they are road paste. Again, videoed and shown as a warning to drunks who choose to drive.)

Memory Aids. . . of a Sort

The fun thing about aging is that, while new injuries seem to take longer to heal, at least I probably won’t miss them for long, since old injuries (some 60 or more years old) continually remind me of their continuing (have I stressed “continue” enough yet? 😉 ) presence. Joy! It’s a memory boost! Maybe I will NEVER “forget” an injury! *heh*

Car Not Like Cold

Not, indeed! Negative # temps decreed canceling my Wonder Woman’s eye surgery today. Rescheduled. Need an engine block heater like we used to have in our vehicles. Oh, well.

Apropos of Nothing in Particular

Just another Olde Pharte rumination.

During college years, when I had occasion to drive home, for whatever reason, without a rider, I kinda liked starting late for the 600-*something-mumble* jaunt, because I enjoyed pulling over near the Guadelupe Mountains so I could sit back and enjoy a night sky completely devoid of light pollution. Good stuff, Maynard.

Ya Never Know. . .

You may never know what effect you have on someone, but sometimes. . .

Interesting guy I met one day back in 2010, here in America’s Third World County™ – just barely here in the county; the town he lives in is about 1/2 in a neighboring state. But anyway, interesting guy. Likes to talk mostly about music, his American Indian heritage (he refers to himself as an Indian, not a “native American” or whatever the current buzz term may be), religion in general and also specifically relating to his heritage, and more.

One day when we had met again by chance, as is our wont, he started asking questions about the Bible and Xian theology as he saw it represented in society, and one of his questions spurred me to pull my lil pocket New Testament out of a pocket in my ADC (All Day Carry) vest in order to use a direct quote from scripture to answer his question.

The last couple of times we have interacted, we began as usual asking how each other was doing. His top answer both times was, “Reading my Bible.” Now, discussions about religion/theology have been more oriented toward him contrasting and comparing observations about Xianity in society as against scripture, demonstrating on his part a serious inquiry.

Ya never know. . .