When someone says, “Take a deep breath” to me, it’s likely that what comes out will just be louder. Better: pay attention so I do not have to speak louder.
Monkey Business
Yeh, confluence of events. . .
The usual suspects are trying to create another PANIC!™, this time about a virus that’s statistically MUCH less harmful than the common cold. . .
Then, after exposure to one of these scaremongers, I was (hand) washing our lunch dishes when I was reminded of Stupid Counsel™ about hand washing during the Covid-19 PANIC!™ You know what I’m talking about, I’m sure: 20 seconds of handwashing and the virus is magically banished!
Horse Pockeyhuck. During the PANIC!™ of 2020 (et seq.), I was unable to find any serious research papers about handwashing/Coronavirus-19, but there were already quite a few studies available on handwashing vs other viruses with similar lipid capsulation. They generally agreed that dissociation of the virus (one cannot kill something that is not alive) was effected by a soap and water handwashing of TWO MINUTES or GREATER duration.
I do not expect information about the Monkeypox PANIC!™ and procedures for dealing with it to be any better (placebo masking and other measures included) than the largely stupid measures effected during the 2020 PANIC! (et seq.).
But at least my greasy dishes got clean with soap, hot water, and vigorous scrubbing. . .