Mexican Politics: Always an Entertaining Show

A farce of populism (isn’t it always. . . until it degenerates into a Reign of Terror?) is currently playing out in Mexico. . . again. López Obrador’s “goo-goo” policies are more corrupt populism than actual socialism: pure vote-buying via “benefits” paid for by “handwavium” and backed by the hardline “drug war” policy turn of amnesty for drug lords and jobs for po’ folks created out of thin air, etc., etc., are gonna be fun to watch crash and burn. All the popcorn and beer his policies call for are gonna ruin my keto regimen. . .

Of course, corrupt populism of López Obrador’s type is indistinguishable in the short run from socialism–and frequently even claims high socialist “ideals,” but real socialism is slightly more brutal, and he’s not yet shown a socialist tyrant’s facile use of force, so. . . on with the show!

Expect the ricos to come out of this richer than ever, and López Obrador’s base to–as always–eventually get the shaft, and watch as Mexican politics once again demonstrates that the more things change, the more they remain the same.