Just Saw a Quintessentially Stupid Question. . .

. . .on Quora. (Of course. The site is almost as bad as FarceBook.)

“If removing the 300 million guns circulating in America is the only way to turn it into an Australian sanctuary, how would we do it?”

The first person to address the question did a pretty good job dealing with it, but I’d add a sidebar:

About that Utopian “Australian sanctuary. . . “ Since the Australian “gun ban” (although it’s not really a ban) in 1996, Australia has had well more than 10x the number of deaths per capita from single-actor massacres than the US—only a few of which were committed using firearms.

Yeh, Australia is not a violence-free paradise, and reducing the numbers of firearms in the hands of law-abiding folks has not reduced the per capita ratio of deaths from mass murders.

For anyone questioning my statement, just compare single-actor mass murder totals in US and in Australia since 1996 and run the numbers against the population of each country. If you have trouble with the math, go back to school and pay attention in class this time.

Anyone who has trouble doing a search for the basic data should go live in an “assisted computing facility.” (“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click for you.”)