Giving Thanks

Giving thanks in all things great and small, I am thankful that some small vestiges of the republic remain. . .

“The higher the pretensions of our rulers are, the more meddlesome and impertinent their rule is likely to be.” – C.S. Lewis

And while I am giving thanks for all things great and small, this, in Horsforth, West Yorkshire, England (Leeds Trinity University) leads me to express my gratitude for the Declaration of Independence, et seq. (Sidenote: were I a lecturer at this school I WOULD POST THE SYLLABUS IN ALL CAPS. Just sayin’.)

Lecturers Warned Not to Use Capital Letters to Avoid Scaring Students

(I would note that the National Review needs a literate headline writer who understands how syntax affects semantics. Should be, “Lecturers Warned to Not Use Capital Letters to Avoid Scaring Students.” I’m thankful I can skip the rest of the article and avoid other such crappy writing, since I have previously read the information elsewhere.)

I’m also thankful I am not disabled like those folks who can only put their pants on one leg at a time.