Muscle-Sparing “Eating Slimmer”

Meat (with LOTS of fat for that delicious, delicious flavor! BACON! BACON! BACON! *heh*), eggs, butter, heavy cream, cheese, and almost NO simple carbs, with limited complex carbs along with fiber weighted toward (~75/25) soluble fiber (which I use mostly in baking low-carb stuff). Some salad greens, berries, and nuts.

Minus six inches in waist (and similar elsewhere). Three pounds lost.

Clowns to the Right. . . Jokers to the Left. . .

But I REFUSE to be stuck in the middle of them.

There is almost no real news anymore. Almost all that purports to be so is Hivemind propaganda. It’s to the point that such sites as The Onion, Duffleblog, and The Babylon Bee are as reliable (or seemingly more so *sigh*) than “accredited” media sources.

And the so-called “right” end of the spectrum is little more reliable than the so-called “left” end of the media spectrum. While the opinion columnists at Townhall are generally more truthful than front page “news” at the New York Slimes, so-called “news” sites/organs such as Worldnet Daily, Breitbart, The Blaze,and ZeroHedge are all, to varying degrees, propaganda for the putative “right.”

Frankly, I don’t ascribe to Zero Hedge, for example, any more credibility than any other Hivemind “reporting.” Sure, like ABCNBCCBSMSNBCFOX, etc., it is propaganda, but every lie at least has a truthful counter. Zero Hedge can serve as a source of “idiot bait” research. In that, it can also be a “serious” source of info. . . of sorts (about as much as with any other Hivemind organ, give or take), if one really digs. 😉 Also, just like other aspects of the Hivemind (reflecting the biases of every point on Pournelle’s Political Axes), it can serve as a way of checking on what the Hivemind (at least its portion) is trying to obscure, twist, or otherwise outright lie about. Pulling the threads for amusement, if nothing else, can provide a few moments of entertainment, at least, and occasionally, as with other Hivemind elements, the facts it twists can be verified and lead to real and useful information when placed in their original context.

I laugh at the times I took Walter Cronkite seriously (as anything but an effective propagandist).