Urgent Need for Organ Donors

The Trumpery needs a brain. Anyone who has a brain to spare, please take note.

Meanwhile, The Queenie Cacklepants Cylon needs a new heart. It ate the heart of the little child it had sitting on its desk.

Just How bad Is Mediacom Internet Service?

Let me offer a data point. Mediacom has a 250GB/month “data allowance.” Today is the first day of a new billing cycle, so the data allowance was supposedly cleared.

The cable “modem” was disconnected from 2200 hours 07/21 until 0815 on 07/22. Mediacom reports that at 0820, we had used 3GB of our monthly data allowance.

Yeh, by checking our email between 0815 and 0820 we used 3GB of our data allowance. Right.

No, just more Mediacom “service.”

Existential Questions

I ask people, “How am I?” because I want THEM to deal with an existential question that doesn’t intimately involve their own existence.

If someone asks me how I am, I tell them I don’t answer existential questions on days ending in “y”.

Really? (Dunning-Kruger Redux)

From a FarceBook, urmm, farce post:


Oh, really? I can falsify that “Romanist Contrarian” argument in one statement:

Isaiah 1:18, for but one reference, makes it clear that white has indeed been used to represent purity: “‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.'”

IMO, anyone living in an English-speaking society who is unfamiliar with classic biblical quotations is [formally] illiterate.

Methinks “The Romanist Contrarian” may be afflicted with Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. . . *sigh*

Warning Shots

Always fire a warning shot. There are two main camps on the subject of warning shots: in the air and into the ground. I demur. The best warning shot is center of mass. It conserves ammo and definitely gets the message across with little chance of misunderstanding. (Center of mass warning shots also minimize collateral damage.)

One should always continue offering proper warning shots until an aggressor’s off switch is fully engaged, although, if the aggressor’s off switch is not located near his center of mass, a polite tap-to-the-head warning shot might be required. Oh, be ultra polite and make it two.

Doggerel Day

Pease porridge hot;
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.

Some like it hot;
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old.

As for me? I don’t know. The only food I’ve ever had simmering away for nine or more days has been broth/stock (chicken, beef, or just plain veggie) left on “warm” on a crock pot. Yummers hot; wouldn’t try cold.


The main problem with pragmatism as a life philosophy is that we can never know enough to infallibly predict the outcomes of our “pragmatic” behavior–especially if/when it involves how others react to our “pragmatism.”

The second most difficult problem for pragmatism as a life philosophy is that we (none of us) are as smart as we think we are. No, not one.

If only we were omniscient or something. . . Yeh, that would help.

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”