Reality-Based Fantasies =/= Reality

The biggest problem in America today? An almost wholesale flight from reality in every area of life. “Reality based FANTASIES” ain’t reality, folks (but try explaining that to roughly 90% of folks nowadays). Flight from reality is, at its base, a result of spiritual emptiness, IMO. All else stems from that. One’s intellect cannot connect with real things if one’s heart is set on what is false.

If You Can Read This

DON’T thank a teacher, at least not necessarily. Literacy ain’t what the “edumacationists” say it is, and, for the most part, is NOT what schools foster. (Yes, there are exceptions, but the system we now have militates against literacy. The exceptions swim against the tide. Let’s remain grateful for them.)

The Literacy Crisis in American Schools

Sidebar: teachers in schools were entirely incidental to whatever literacy I attained while in school and get no credit whatsoever for whatever literacy I have managed to acquire outside school. Seriously.