The “You” You Speak of Is Not Me

Ed Driscoll frequently makes some pretty sound observations, but Everything You Know About the 20th Century is Wrong struck me as twaddle, especially since each of his cherry-picked examples of what I (he did say “you,” didn’t he, and aren’t I, as the reader a part of the “you”?) know about the 20th Century that is wrong held no news for me, since I was well-aware of the facts of those examples long, long before he sought to “correct” my views.

Now, while many, if not most, might hold false memes about the cherry-picked examples Driscoll cites, perhaps even most folks, “you” is far too sweeping a generalization and shows that Driscoll, at least, holds some false views of his own.

Just sayin’.

Thomas Sowell for Emperor?

I’d vote for Thomas Sowell for Emperor, but his character has something missing from King Putz and his ilk: One of the prerequisites for a GOOD “emperor”– that if offered the gig, he’d turn it down, legitimately do everything he could do to avoid having “imperial” powers, instead of, like modern pseudo kings, assume illegitimate power over others.

Yeh, Thomas Sowell would make a better emperor than Marcus Aurelius, at least partially because he has no desire at all for the job.