Almost? See Inigo Montoya

Had to chuckle when I read (identity withheld to protect the guilty from embarrassment) a recent reference to John Moses Browning’s Colt 1911 that read, “It’s an engineering masterpiece with a design that’s endured almost 100 years.” Almost? Browning began work on the specifics of the design around 1890, and the pistol was in Army field trials between 1907 and 1911, when it was adopted for use. That’s not “almost 100 years” but MORE THAN 100 years, no matter when one chooses its start date.

Should I blame common core math for the writer’s faux pas?

Not-a-Recipe Light Meal

This is especially quick for me, since I almost always have all the ingredients at hand, including the toasted* (flat) corn tortillas and my fav brand of canned refried beans (seasoned with jalapeño, onion, garlic and cumin to make a better-than-Frito Lay bean dip).

  • Flat, toasted (baked) corn totilla
  • Refried beans (seasoned to taste)
  • Shredded cheese (your fav); use pre-packaged or Make America Grate Again! *heh*
  • Nuke for whatever time your MW oven takes to melt the cheese.
  • Top with diced onion, shredded lettuce, salsa–whatever floats your boat.

Make just one or as many as you want to eat.

*I take corn tortillas, place them on a baking sheet in my convection toaster overn at 350F for ~20 minutes. They’re a wee tad more fragile than if fried in oil, but still really tasty and it’s a virtually hands-off job.