#gagamaggot Number 5,386, 237

*sigh* This sort of thing used to baffle me, until I realized just how woefully subliterate (in general and especially historically) more and more people are nowadays. From a book blurb (for a book probably best avoided):

“. . . a cop finds a trove of ancient documents that may — or may not — be an undiscovered Shakespeare play. . .”

“Ancient,” used in reference to historical documents, almost always refers to Classical Antiquity — ancient Greece, Rome or the Middle East, etc. Sometimes it is loosely used in reference to medieval and earlier times, mostly by folks who are only moderately aware historically.

Shakespearean manuscripts could not be considered “ancient” by even the loosest, least meaningful sense of the term, since Shakespeare died just under 500 years ago, smack in the middle of the Renaissance.

Since these book blurbs for self-pub books are most often written by the “authors,” I’d say giving this book a pass might just be a sensible time saver.

Is It Wrong of Me. . .

. . .to be entertained by the pathetic behavior of some folks who have chosen The Way of Self-Enstupiation?

Sample: those folks who (apparently) cannot distinguish between accuracy in labeling, name-calling (which is actually, IMO, quite often appropriate when justifiably ridiculing someone who has drawn a target on their own back), and ad hominem fallacy. Those who lump these categories together indiscriminately rarely do so because of innate stupidity and laziness; no, it is usually because of hard-earned, willful stupidity and laziness that they do so.

Such folks may get one, two or three strikes from me, but quite soon my patience runs out and I begin giving them their due: guffaws and raucous ridicule, just about the only sort of criticism that can reach the self-enstupiated. Is such effective in ameliorating their behavior? No, not usually, but it does usually result in reactions that are just as stupid and intellectually lazy as the behavior that spurred the ridicule, and that’s amusing. Gives me more to mock.

Is that wrong? If so, I DGARA. It’s entertaining, and that’s about the best that can come from interactions with the self-enstupiated.

Almost? See Inigo Montoya

Had to chuckle when I read (identity withheld to protect the guilty from embarrassment) a recent reference to John Moses Browning’s Colt 1911 that read, “It’s an engineering masterpiece with a design that’s endured almost 100 years.” Almost? Browning began work on the specifics of the design around 1890, and the pistol was in Army field trials between 1907 and 1911, when it was adopted for use. That’s not “almost 100 years” but MORE THAN 100 years, no matter when one chooses its start date.

Should I blame common core math for the writer’s faux pas?

Not-a-Recipe Light Meal

This is especially quick for me, since I almost always have all the ingredients at hand, including the toasted* (flat) corn tortillas and my fav brand of canned refried beans (seasoned with jalapeño, onion, garlic and cumin to make a better-than-Frito Lay bean dip).

  • Flat, toasted (baked) corn totilla
  • Refried beans (seasoned to taste)
  • Shredded cheese (your fav); use pre-packaged or Make America Grate Again! *heh*
  • Nuke for whatever time your MW oven takes to melt the cheese.
  • Top with diced onion, shredded lettuce, salsa–whatever floats your boat.

Make just one or as many as you want to eat.

*I take corn tortillas, place them on a baking sheet in my convection toaster overn at 350F for ~20 minutes. They’re a wee tad more fragile than if fried in oil, but still really tasty and it’s a virtually hands-off job.

Marco Rubio Gives Me a Rash

I don’t trust Marco Rubio any farther than I can walk on water.

Rubio would make a decent vice president, with Cruz holding his leash and occasionally rubbing his nose in his messes, but his serial misrepresentations (OK, outright lies: saying one thing in English and another in Spanish, for example) of his own positions on alien invaders qualifies him only for a couple of terms being “paper trained,” IMO.

Like most proponents of amnesty for alien invaders (and despite his “nuanced” lies, that’s exactly what he holds for), he also sets straw men up as the only alternatives to his amnesty (no matter what he disingenuously calls it) proposals.

Moreover, He makes some good “Christ talk” from time to time, but his lies say his “Christianity” is suspect.

Do note: Rubio talks a good game on many policy issues, and even when making moral arguments, but his outright lies on the issue of alien invaders and amnesty call all his “good game talk” into question, for

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. ~ Luke 16:10

Rubio has proven he cannot even be trusted to keep his lies straight, and that’s no little thing.

Not-a-Recipe Cabbage Soup

So, wanted to make some cabbage soup last week. Didin’t like the look of the cabbages at the local market, so grabbed a bag of “coleslaw mix” (just shredded cabbage and carrots) that did look OK. Didn’t use chicken stock cos I had some ham base to work with. Also didn’t use bacon, as would ordinarily be my wont, cos had tons (well, seemed that way) of “pork butt” already cooked and on hand.

Had only four small potatoes, but had onion, garlic and etc.

You see where this is going? Yeh, made some pretty decent cabbage soup anyway, largely from substitutions and leftovers.

And the leftover cabbage soup ain’t half bad, either.