King Putz: People Hate Him Because He’s “Black”?!?


I’ve seen folks defend King Putz’s claim that people don’t like him because he’s “black” with comments about living in the South and witnessing racist comments about him. *meh* I live south of the Mason-Dixon line in a county that seceded during the Great Unitarian-Baptist Shootout, and I have never heard a racially disparaging remark about King Putz. Methinks folks who do hear such things (especially in such hyperbolic numbers as have been claimed) are very likely either seeking them out or manufacturing them in their dog-whistle fantasy eisegesis of legitimate criticism of the lying son of The Father of Lies.

Of course, there just might be a few folks who don’t like King Putz because he’s “black” (whatever that means post Rachel Dolezal, et al), but the number of assholes things like that matter to is almost vanishingly small, and “racial discrimination” against those identifying as “black” seems to be centered in King Putz’s own cohort, so his claim seems even sillier to any rational observer.

Passing Shot. . . and Chaser

Food network cooks/chefs prove that fluency in English is obviously unnecessary for success in the kitchen. *heh* One example, of many: “paparika”.

Anthony Bourdain ain’t as classy as he thinks he is. (But that’s no surprise. No one could be.)