Dancing the “County Clerk Kerfuffle”

Re: the Kim Davis kerfuffle. It didn’t hold a lot of interest for me for some time. Some county clerk was objecting to issuing marriage certs to homosexual “couples.” *yawn* Some outside agitators were looking for their 15 minutes of fame. *bigger yawn* Still, I gave it a cursory look. Hmmm, yeh, there was a legal leg to stand on, were the clerk to make the effort (and were her religious objections even possibly sincere). I kept waiting for a legal tactic/action to be made by her. Waiting. Waiting.

Not much interesting going on. The usual Hivemind “viewing with alarm” silliness. *yawn*

Meanwhile, the ACLU decided to stick its nose in, not, apparently, because homosexual couples in the county were objecting (not that I found as I looked at what were laughably presented as “reports” at least). But, of course that’s what they said, anyway. They did have outside agitators–angry, belligerent supposedly homosexual couples posing as “gay” (the opposite of angry and belligerent)–from Ohio and elsewhere who traveled to shop for an outrage. *yawn* Typical angry, belligerent faux-gay homosexual activists.

But then, as the misrepresentations began to pile up–on all sides, from what I could see–I got pissed off enough to actually dig a little deeper and saw that ALL sides (but especially the faux liberal and even faker libertarian folks) were misrepresenting just about everything they could lay their hands on, and STILL Kim Davis hadn’t made any apparent moves to clear things up, even though she apparently had some dandy legal moves she COULD have made.

And then the ACLU whiners ran to a judge who made her move and jailed the Doofus Clerk.

Then, FINALLY, her semi-literate (yeh, I’ve read his public statements to the press. Subliterate moron. He should be sued for practicing law without literacy) lawyer makes the appropriate appeal for accommodation under Kentucky’s carefully-crafted RFRA which allows for the same accommodation the federal RFRA requires of all classes of employment save military (with some notable exceptions) and elected officials (Kentucky’s RFRA apparently specifically INCLUDES elected officials in the SAME considerations for accommodations of religious convictions the feds extend to others).


And yet, all sides are now firmly fixed. None of them recognize all the elements. Kim Davis’s ardent supporters neglect to consider that she stupidly left the whole thing hanging, with no apparent real appeal to authorities who could make reasonable accommodations (until just recently) or that she stupidly failed to articulate a dependence on relevant authority to make a reasonable accommodation. Or that she just shut the marriage licenses down without doing these things, things any reasonable person with more active brain cells than are found in a head of cabbage should have done. Nope.

Meanwhile, there are the supposed libertarians who say she should be fired or resign for not doing her job, or that she is violating the “rights” (which in the case of the outside agitators amounts to “violating their convenience”. . . for the benefit of their sound bites and 15 minutes of fame) of others1, despite the fact that doing so would cede her own rights. WTG phonies. Ah, well, convenience for the many marginally few more outweigh the rights of the few (and, parenthetically, there are more than a few other county clerks in many more than a few jurisdictions who are refusing marriage licenses to same sex “couples” for flimsier reasons than Davis’s, but since she claims to be a Christian, and so closely fits the left’s sneering attitude toward supposed right-wing religious fanatics, she’s the goat du jour).

And then there are those who just want to crucify her for personal reasons possibly tied to their own confused sexuality. Yeh, whatever.

[Edit: Oh, and one must not forget the Hivemind’s interest, which is entirely self-serving and whose “reporting” thus bears little relation to real reality or, for the most part, shows any interest in being genuinely informative. Naturally. Scum.]

Neither of the latter two classes bother to care what the damned law–both federal statute and case law and Kentucky law–has to say about the matter or about the fact that Davis FINALLY made a correct and proper effort to get the relevant authorities to make a reasonable accommodation. Heck, I have even run onto certifiable, self-made morons who claim she can just say, in effect, “To hell with legal. I’ll just make my own accommodations,” and modify a form mandated by the state for legal marriage in Kentucky.

No, neither of these classes care a whit that she has sought accommodation from the authorities who CAN allow the form change she requests as an accommodation to satisfy what she says are genuine religious qualms. (I have no view of her claims about her religious convictions, partly because her inarticulate public utterances are a mishmash and partly because it is not my place to discern her mind.)

None of the bitchers and moaners and criers-for-blood (yes, literal death threats *sigh* about which none of the supposed “libertarians” whose comments I have read care one whit) give a damn about the facts any more than the Davis supporters seem to, because their minds were all–apparently–made up before and without consideration of facts. Any facts any of the sides seem to consider are ONLY those facts that either support their views or that they can lie about or twist to support their views.

Damn them all for their dishonesty, laziness and refusal to consider inconvenient facts.

And a special note of condemnation to Kim Davis for being so stupid. Shame on you. If you’re going to pick a fight–right or wrong–get your ducks in a row, dummy.

1Those marriage “rights” for homosexuals created ex nihilo with such touching appeal to motion (an egregious fallacy of reasoning) by Justice Kennedy, with such fire, with such utter bullshit.

And about that construction, “homosexual ‘couples'”. They’re just sad, silly, sexually confused people, and unless the–maybe 4% of the population–who genuinely belong to this sad, silly, sexually confused demographic start agitating for “rights” that a.) don’t exist or b.) are really just accommodations for their psychological problems, all I think concerning them is. . . nothing different to what I think about any other delusional folks. But when they become angry, belligerent troublemakers ithcin’ for a fight, well, bring it on, bitches.