More Mediacom Misbehavior. . .

. . .allowing me to have fun with the subliterate drones that Mediacom employs to lie to its customers.

I was incensed enough at Mediacom’s deceptive, unethical and outright evil behavior today that I had the opportunity to school a Mediacom customer *cough* “service” *cough-gag-spew* representative on the differences between obscenity, vulgarity and profanity. And yes, I made the poor, illiterate moron in the employ of The Evil Company listen to the whole thing. And when he insisted he had corrected the (34%) over-billing that was the proximal cause of THAT particular phone call, I made absolutely certain he knew that I chose not to believe him until I had documentary evidence in my hand, since everyone from Mediacom (except for our local service tech) has lied to me for years. Yes, everyone, even if they are just repeating lies they have been assured are truth.

Thing is? I told every single person from Mediacom I have talked to since it started strongarming me into installing their “DTAs” that this “billing error” would happen. All of them insisted it would not.

And ALL of them insisted that “federal law requires encryption of digital cable”–a flat-out lie, if the FCC is to be believed, since all its regulatory comments say only that cable companies encrypt digital content as an option. Lies, lies and more lies.