Too Much Old Tech?

I’ve usually found ways to use computers I’d otherwise retire, rather than just trashing them if I couldn’t find someone else who wanted ’em. Example: my nonagenarian mom gave up her computer a while back, and, after being stuck in Lovely Daughter’s possession for a couple of months, it then sat in my car for a few more. I’ve not found anyone who wants it, yet, so I’ve decided to scrub the drive (including the WinXP Pro that’s on it, of course) and install ReactOS for a play machine. I’ve used earlier iterations of ReactOS on some VMs and appreciated its look and feel that evokes WIn 2K Pro a bit more than WinXP, and found that it ran Windows software better than WINE does on ‘nix machines. *shrugs* If I find someone who needs an XP-compatible machine, ReactOS might just suit ’em. Until then, it’ll sit in the back room with some spare hard drives slapped into it for network access. Just another storage/play box, I suppose. . .

Oh, why ReactOS? I just don’t need another ‘nix box, and the computer isn’t really suitable for Win7/8, so. . .

EDC Knife?

Just one?!?

(No pics, just a few personal observations.)

Ordinarily, as I go about my day, I have, oh, maybe three or four knives on my person at all times. A Gerber lockback folder with a pretty substantial modified spearpoint blade that I can wear on my belt really unobtrusively (horizontally–a nice option on the included sheath), a couple of Kershaw “speedsafe” spring assisted lockbacks in my pockets (left/right) and maybe another Kershaw clipped to my back pocket. All blades on the Kershaw lockbacks are ~2.75”. Oh, and a “credit card” blade. Just because.

In the car, I usually have a 5”-bladed lockback “escape knife”–glass breaker, seatbelt cutter, etc., built in–in the door pocket, and my favorite skinning knife and another Kershaw folder in the center console. Multi-tool in the glove box.

Oh, and if I’m toting my “fanny pack” (worn in front), there’ll be a nicer (rosewood grips *shrugs* They don’t detract from functionality, so why not?) multitool in it.

I rarely (OK, never *heh*) tote my 12”-bladed German fireman’s dagger for EDC . . . but I suppose I could. *heh* It’s configured for additional use as a bayonet, so. . .

My bugout/eprep bag has a couple more, like the USMC model Ka-Bar Estimable Son-in-Law gave me–really good for a “walk in the deer woods” and a nice hand ax my Wonder Woman gave me (so I don’t have to use my grandfather’s camp ax or my dad’s Boy Scout ax). The hand ax isn’t a knife, of course, but it’s a bladed tool.

Anywho, I don’t mind weighing another couple of pounds, but I’ve discovered not many other folks regularly carry this many knives. Whatever.

Well, that does it for knives I regularly have close to hand. . . 😉

Something the Internet Is Good For

[Just a lil stream of consciousness rant. . . ]

One thing the Internet is really good for: revealing the extent of subliteracy1 in society. Small example: folks who misuse as nouns compound words that are adjectives, instead of using the separate adjective/noun phrase that applies, or who misuse adverbs that have been formed as compound words instead of using the adverb/verb phrase that is appropriate. FarceBook yields a good example. It offers “Log in” to, urm, log in but offers the noun, “logout,” for the action of logging out, instead of “log out,” as it ought. Other examples are almost endless, it seems.

“War monger” when the word is “warmonger.”

“Backseat” (adjective) when referring to a “back seat.”

“Nevermind” (*gagamaggot*–an almost sure sign of a 20-something nearly illiterate grup; still useful when writing archaic dialog, though meaning not at all what the aforementioned grups might intend) instead of “never mind.”

“Alot” (which is a “word” only in the nearly non-existant minds of self-made morons) instead of “a lot.”

Misuse of “altogether” (a perfectly useful word meaning “entirely” in place of “all together” (something like “as a group”).

Misuse of “everyday” (adjective: commonplace, quotidian) for “every day” (a regular, daily occurrence).

And, of course, the plethora of examples of verb phrases versus compound nouns that poorly-read people get wrong with fair consistency, because they have never (or have not often enough) read examples used correctly.

When I read things like this in someone’s text, I can be fairly certain that they are lazy thinkers who have not bothered to do their basic homework (that is, bother to become literate) before committing their slop to text.

Of course, these little indicators are just part of the package, and more subliteracy indicators await the conscious reader. Still, these canaries can give a quick tip to careful readers that the oxygen’s being replaced with toxic fumes in whatever text they contain.

Thank you, Internet, for showing the true value of a hyper-democratic society: a rush to the bottom of an ever lower common denominator.

[micro-mini addendum]

A slightly different problem, of course, is dumbass illiterates misusing words they think they know the meanings of, and we’ve probably all seen a bellyfull of this. From the mother country of the English language, published recently in a “professionally edited,” internationally read newsrag, this:

“Each date was captured on camera, with the ‘big reveal’ illiciting [sic] wildly different reactions from the women. While some find it funny, at least two of the women struggle to hide their disappointment at Joe’s conceit [sic].”

THAT got published?!? *gagamaggot* No wonder illiteracy in English is rampant. . . and not just in the US.

1subliteracy: a neologism I have not seen elsewhere, though someone else must certainly use it, intended to convey just what it appears to convey: a condition of poor literacy that does not approach a standard that could be reasonably called “literacy” by any honest person. Subliterates can generally puzzle out the words formed by letters, though they often have only vague ideas–if any at all–what the words they have puzzled out actually mean. And in those cases where subliterates do know words’ meanings, their reading vocabulary is vastly overshadowed by their oral vocabulary, rendering their own attempts to reproduce what they have heard (quite often from those who, like them, are not at all well-read) incorrect.

Gross examples of this are simple misused words such as using “then” for “than” (or vice versa) or any of the plethora of sadly laughable misuses regularly promulgated in social media, blogs, discussion lists and even Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind “professionally” written and edited subliterate crap.

But a sure sign of subliteracy–chiefly of being exceedingly poorly read–is this problem of either misuse of compound words or the failure to use a common compound word where it is appropriate. This is a common failing of poorly-read writers.

Remember: Literacy of College Graduates Is on Decline

Cluebat: Things are no better in 2015 than they were in 2005 when that WaPo article was written about the 2003 NAAL. In fact, the 2003 NAAL data (not the Ed Department spin on the data) showed the situation to be worse than the article states, because the “complex text” that “recent college graduates” couldn’t read and comprehend included bus schedules, want ads and med instructions as found on prescription med bottles.

Do note: I do not consider myself as well read as either of my grandfathers, for example. Just saying.

I Still Haven’t Found a Better Browser Than Opera 12.x


Just one (but very important to me) reason why I have yet to find a browser as useful to me as Opera 12.x: bookmark management. I have 118 first level folders in my bookmarks, with many levels nested under them. And I USE this filing system daily. It’s a reference library compiled over years of browsing. (And yes, I weed it regularly as well.)

(Yes, I obscured folders and links.)

Some browsers offer to import my bookmarks. Some of them that offer to do so actually do (the new “Chopera”–an Opera skinned Chrome browser–offers to but doesn’t do it), but those that actually do present a jumbled mess that isn’t really even searchable and none of them have any real ability to sort, organize, and arrange bookmarks. Useless. ANd this is just one (very important to me) among many failings of every browser offering I have searched out as an alternative to the venerable and no longer developed Opera 12.x. Sad that so very much functionality and usefulness has been sacrificed.

And here is just one of three–the middle-of-the-road way–ways to tweak Opera 12.x in what seems to be (almost) infinitely variable ways. I know of no other browser that offers so many ways to customize its behavior. While I don’t often avail myself of the easy manual editing of actual config files (text files saved as ini files) for Opera 12.x, because I’ve just about got them where I want them, sometimes I make a less granular change using opera:config typed in the address bar. Just one–of, still, many more–reasons why pretenders to the browser throne on my devices have yet to dethrone Opera 12.x.


I keep trying to find a replacement, but every “new” browser–and new iterations of old ones–that comes along just seems like crap by comparison to “Ole Faithful.” *sigh*

Spreading subliterate crap. . .

. . . one article at a time.

So some subliterate (backed up by subliterate editor[s?]) has written a “helpful tip” article about cleaning one’s oven in an amazing way that anyone who’s not dumber than a bag of hammers already knows. naturally, it’s peppered with crap like this:

“Let sit over night [sic]. The baking soda will need at least 12 hours to work it`s [sic] magic.”

No, moron. “Overnight”–one word–and “its” is the possessive of “it”.

If the “writer” were literate or at least had a literate editorial staff to back her, this crap wouldn’t be in the article, useless as it is to anyone who is actually an adult.

*sigh* So maybe there’s an adult American somewhere who is so clueless that they’ve never been exposed to baking soda and vinegar for cleaning. Wastes of oxygen.

I’m Not Easily Offended, but. . .

. . . no! Really! *heh*

Anywho. . .

A writing team–husband and wife–whose books I really enjoy nevertheless have some really annoying habits. “Though all at [place name] are not actively hostile, [blah,blah]” is one. No, “though NOT ALL at [place name] are. . .” The first formulation simply does not work. The first formulation simply and plainly (and nonsensically) means NO ONE AT [place name] is hostile, when the context is one of describing a hostile environment!

That’s just dumb, and some proofreader or editor should have caught that.

Then there are the many annoying misuses of “I”. For example, “some [x]s are not like you and I.” Parse that without the “you.” “Some [x]s are not like I.” Stupid, right? These are not stupid people writing these things, but they are just not literate enough to notice some of the stupid things they write. Consistently. They appear to genuinely think these constructions make sense.

Sadly, they are also very, very, very good storytellers, so these sorts of things are being almost subliminally taught to their hordes of fans.

That’s just sad.

Edumacation-ish, ah, Whatever. . .

Ran across this from someone “edumacated” at a state university who was then in an admin position there for some time:

“It was predicted that we would see outbreaks of the diseases that we had nearly irradiated [sic] come back with a vengeance with all the illegals coming across our Southern boarder.! [sic]”


Oh, and the cute lil period-exclamation point punctuation.


(No links or names. I just can’t do that to this person. . . )

Even a Blind Pig. . .

. . . finds the occasional acorn. And even a Muslim “cleric” occasionally speaks truth in the presence of “unbelievers”.

“Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone.” — Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary

But, of course, even there, Choudary can’t keep himself from being a wee tad deceptive about some major facts. First, the “Allah” he speaks of claims only two characteristics in common with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus: omnipotence and omniscience. The character of “Allah” as described by Muslim religious texts is that of a brutal version of the childish, capricious gods of other ancient civilizations–Greece, Babylon, Egypt, etc. Hey! Don’t take my word for it. Read their texts.

The other little twist is that “the commands of Allah” come to the Muslim from the mouth of a murderous, sadistic, brutal thug, Mohamed, the Butcher of Medina (et al). As a result, the “commands of Allah” reflect exactly the mass murderer, rapist, slaver, thief and pedophile that uttered them.

Just keep that in mind when some jackass speaks of Islam as “the religion of peace,” eh?