Too Much Old Tech?

I’ve usually found ways to use computers I’d otherwise retire, rather than just trashing them if I couldn’t find someone else who wanted ’em. Example: my nonagenarian mom gave up her computer a while back, and, after being stuck in Lovely Daughter’s possession for a couple of months, it then sat in my car for a few more. I’ve not found anyone who wants it, yet, so I’ve decided to scrub the drive (including the WinXP Pro that’s on it, of course) and install ReactOS for a play machine. I’ve used earlier iterations of ReactOS on some VMs and appreciated its look and feel that evokes WIn 2K Pro a bit more than WinXP, and found that it ran Windows software better than WINE does on ‘nix machines. *shrugs* If I find someone who needs an XP-compatible machine, ReactOS might just suit ’em. Until then, it’ll sit in the back room with some spare hard drives slapped into it for network access. Just another storage/play box, I suppose. . .

Oh, why ReactOS? I just don’t need another ‘nix box, and the computer isn’t really suitable for Win7/8, so. . .