Just another gripe about dumbed-down society

One of the worst failings of many contemporary performers attempting to sing classic songs (or really any songs at all, it seems at times) is that all too many can’t really hear music, let alone perform music. As Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau often said when asked about his facility singing both lieder and opera (thought by many to be vastly different musical genres), “Man muss sich anhören was die Musik sagt.” Those who can’t really hear what the music is saying turn in performances that are either bland and tasteless or inappropriate to the marriage of text and tune. IOW, MOST typical contemporary performing/recording “artists”–except when they “sing” pieces that match their musically-stunted tastes and abilities. But that’s pretty much OK with an audience that has even less ability to discern music.

Just another of the effects predicted by José Ortega y Gasset in The Revolt of the Masses (La rebelión de las masas).

Fischer-Dieskau: “One must listen to what the music says.”

More Blessings from The Holy Brew

While coffee may have an adverse effect for folks who have Type II Diabetes, folks who might otherwise be at risk, but who have not yet developed this form of diabetes, are likely to find moderate (*meh* ~4 8-oz cups of coffee–NOT some Starbuckian monster drink loosely based on coffee) to be beneficial.

With the growing incidence of Type II Diabetes in the US, one might wonder just how much worse the “epidemic” might be w/o coffee.

Then, of course, there are some other well-known (to coffee aficionados, at least) benefits referenced at the link above: amelioration of the effects of Parkinson’s, protection from liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular benefits, etc.

Do note, that for optimum health in otherwise normal, healthy individuals, 48-oz. of coffee/day is right about the upper limit. Strangely, that seems to be about the upper limit for optimum health effects from beer consumption, too. . . (though that would be consumption over time, with meals)


Lastly, of course,

O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree