Hivemind Memory Hole

The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind loves to deride people with honest questions about The Zero, labeling them “birthers” and excoriating them as being racists.

But that’s not. What about “then”?

Yep. The Hivemind’s got some ‘splainin’ to do… “Fact-checking error” for well over a decade and a half? In materials approved by The Zero himself?

I guess I am a “birther” then, since I want some verifiable documentary evidence of The Zero’s background. I dunno… maybe some things like other folks who aspired to and achieved the office actually produced when questions, lime Chester A. Arthur’s proof of his native born citizenship (I must be a racist for bringing up another president whose native born citizenship was questioned, eh?) or the college records of G.W. Bush or even Jean Fraud sKerry…

So, how about it Barry? Since you fail E-Verify, how about providing some real documentary evidence to back up your current narrative?

A real birth certificate (I got an actual photostatic duplicate copy of mine just last year: easy-peasy).
Occidental College records?
Columbia College records?
Columbia Thesis paper?
Harvard College records?
Selective Service Registration?
How about a legitimate SSN?

Seriously, Barry, just put all these nasty inconsistencies to rest by opening your records to public scrutiny. After all, you have nothing to hide, do you?

BTW, Barry, have you updated your wife as to your latest narrative? Referring to you in December of 2007, she said,

“What it reminded me of was our trip to Africa, two years ago, and the level of excitement that we felt in that country – the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama – a Kenyan… “

So, she still thought in 2007 that you were a KENYAN? CLarify please. No, not spin and lie, just the facts, Barry.

What the Typical Libtard “Knows” About Christianity

The best, most “positive” view the typical libtard has of Christianity is,

“Jesus paid for our sins, so let’s get our money’s worth.”

Always eagerly answering Romans 6:1, “Yeh,baby!” without even the ability to move onto the next and following verses…

Apart from that, all the typical libtard can do is either cite examples of behavior by people acting in completely UN-Christian ways as evidence that Christianity is evil or simply utter lies for the hell of it. Of course, these are the same people who proclaim that the religion founded and modeled by the mass-murderer, rapist, pedophile, liar, brigand, torturer, slaver and thief, the Butcher of Medina (Mohamed, he who quite obviously, from the testimony of his own lips and the record of his life, now finds his eternal home in hell), is a wholesome “religion of peace,” with absolutely no intended irony.


Hmmm, Could Be…

Maybe this is ONE of the reasons I am fairly comfy here in America’s Third World County:

Do note that almost none of the officeholders labeled “Republican” are “Elite Country Club Repugnican’ts” like most national Repugnican’t officeholders, and the lone Democratic officeholder would be comfortable running as a Republican in most locales.

At least I can find a little bit of common ground to talk with these folks. *heh*

More “Phishing pfor Psuckers”

Text of an email I received recently:

Dear Customer,

Your order has been successfully canceled. For your reference, here’s a summary of your order:

You just canceled order 162-427-72682 placed on May 11, 2012.



1 “Mounts”; 2003, Second Edition
By: Jamie Turner

Sold by: LLC


Thank you for visiting!

Earth’s Biggest Selection

Now, someone who wasn’t paying any attention (or is just too stupid to waste oxygen on) could easily have been caught out by this. There were links to a malware installation on both the purported “order number” and on the text referring to at the end of the email.

But… this one was just too, too easy to resist. First, I knew I’d not placed such an order. “But then,” someone might say (though certainly not YOU, gentle reader), “surely that would lead one to click the link to check on that order. After all, someone might be using one’s stolen Amazon ID to make purchases!”

Except, not mine, and I’m not clicking on ANY obscured link in an email without KNOWING where it leads. Not happening.

But, I did look at the email’s source text and see that the links were NOT to Amazon but to a site that would steal my Amazon creds were I to go there and log in. Except that neither my browser nor LastPass would recognize the site and offer to log in for me, were I to be foolish enough to have clicked the links anyway.

Oh, and the email was to an account that is not in any way, shape, fashion or form associated with my Amazon account, nor has it ever been. Sure, all my email accounts are polled and gathered by one account, but I checked which account the email had been sent to, AND the form is not what I’d have received from Amazon, what with a few pertinent details missing.

So, just taking few seconds to do a coupla quick checks averted the possibility, remote though it is given my other simple measures, of having my Amazon account credentials stolen.

It’s not hard and doesn’t take any time at all, but I’ll bet a few mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging oxygen sinks with fewer active brain cells than a cracked crock of kimchi will fall for it.

“Just too much to bare”


Apart from all the books I read (back up to a little less than half the number per week of my peak of a 23/week average of some years ago), I read, well, just about everything I can get my hands on, physical or virtual. While I don’t read as many blog posts every day as I once did, I read a lot of those too. More and more it seem the trend in all sorts of blogs is toward less and less literate expression. Two small examples from a blog at a site for health professionals:

” …the humor of the ______ was too much to bare.”

“By this point all of the racket had also waken up ______________.”

No, Mr. 20-Something IT Pro for a health institution: “too much to bear”. And “waken up” isn’t correct here either. “Had… awakened” or “had… woken” or even the poorer “had… wakened up”.

It’s as though more and more people have never read anything written by a literate person, and more and more people have never heard a literate person speak English. Well, of course. Most are products of public schools. Perhaps as many as 1/3 (perhaps) of students ENTERING high school are proficient readers of English, according to (pdf here). Perhaps. Of those who go on to graduate college (self-selected to–maybe–be more literate, whatever that means, than their peers), almost 31% are literate enough to read their way out of a paper bag, actually a decline in reading proficiency from their entry into high school.

Is it any wonder that our (once, formerly) representative republic with all too many democratic elements is in trouble? Do the right thing: read more. Read material that’s written well and researched well and presented as honestly as possible. As much as possible, encourage others to do the same.

Your grandchildren will thank you.

*sigh* The first blog post I read today (on a political “analysis” site) offered more evidence of the trend noted above (I swear it I read this kind of crap a.] so you don’t have to *heh* and b.] ALL the time–unfortunately–while trying to gain info that fleshes out background the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind obscures or otherwise lies about… not that the Hivemind is any better at literate expression).


No, a.) the plural of “phenomenon” is “phenomena” and b.) trying to form a plural by using an apostrophe is nothing short of stupid.

“over looked”

It’s one word, not two.

ly’s (“The problem ly’s…”)

*ack-thbbt!-spew* LIES, dumbass! Dual stupidities here. “Ly’s” isn’t even a word and the use of the apostrophe is so monumentally stupid as to be almost a landmark stupidity. This guy’s parents and teachers should be shot, and he should be dragged over hot coals on the way to being tarred, feathered and burned at the stake. Hopefully before he reproduces.

“the support is cult like”

The preferred formation is “cult-like”.

“ITS not an anti gay amendment…. its pro morality amendment”

Of course, NOW when apostrophes are REQUIRED the dumbass subliterate moron doesn’t use them! Of course.

But this sort of thing is rampant, and not just in “citizen journalism” so-called.

“Something Barack Hussein Obama seems to know nothing about.”

Want more? Surely not! Well, one simply cannot go to ANY Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind outlet and not receive an assault on literacy. Consider a current (May 11, 2012) headline:

“First Male Masseuse Who Sued Travolta Admits He Has WRONG DATE…”

WTF?!? A masseuse is a woman who gives massage. A male who does so is a masseur. How these people who write such things can live with themselves I don’t know.