This Stuff Is Simply the Best

I used to use another product that’s almost as good to clean post n pans, coffee and hard water “stained” glasses and mugs, etc., but this stuff is less expensive and better:

While I mostly use it nowadays to shine up my “stainless” steel pots and pans, it has tons more uses. Gottaloveit. Just sayin’.

Lies, Damned Lies and The Zero’s “SOTU” Lies

(Titled with insincere apologies to Twain.)

After perusing the text*, I think summing up all the lies The Zero’s phony “State of the Union” address (more like, “State of the Election” campaign speech?) would simply, for the most part, be a repeat of the text. Is there any substantive portion of the text that could stand as an example of an honest reflection of actual fact? No.

And this is what we have come to as a society: this bald-faced liar is viewed by 40% or more (in many polls, a majority!) of those polled as someone worthy of re-election. If such polls are to be believed, then America deserves to be placed on the ash heap of history.

Second thought… the text presented at the link is presented as, “Full text of President Obama’s State of the Union Address, as provided by the White House”–something that doesn’t necessarily inspire any confidence that it really is an actual transcript, and in fact almost assures that it is not, given the serial deceptions this administration is infamous for. But still, I have no desire to watch a video of it and be simultaneously bored to tears by the typical lackluster, lame, awful lack of oratorical skills The Zero genuinely possesses in place of the myth of his oratorical genius, AND infuriated by bald-faced lies issuing from his pie hole.

BTW, before anyone cites The Zero’s credit-hogging on the matter of the Bin Laden execution operation as a truthful statement, I’ll just flatly state that his claim of credit for Bin Laden’s death is so highly exaggerated as to make a lie of the thin facts it depends upon. And that, as any thinking person well knows, is how one constructs “competent” lies: out of a few facts comprising thinly applied lipstick on the pig the liar wants idiots to miss seeing.