“One misty, moisty morning… “

“…When cloudy was the weather… ” etc.

Only, the “moistiness” this morning was snow flurries, tiny ice balls and black ice on the roads. Two lane, hilly, curvy country road with no shoulder (but a nice, deep bar ditch! :-)) and ice, in patches and sheets, often covered in loose snow a fraction of an inch deep: this was this a.m.’s driving, between ~6:30 and 9:00, when I was out and about.

Fun. *heh*

America’s Third World County, where very drivable roads are available in all sorts of weather… as long as one sticks to the four-lane that now cuts through the county with sneers of disdain for the little towns it swoops on by. 🙂 Actually, in this a.m.’s weather conditions, it would probably have been safer to stick to dirt and gravel back roads, although it would certainly have taken quite a while longer to get places.

Good day to have stayed in until the sun came out. If it had.