
(Wake me when it’s over.) 😉

They really should have titled it, “Cowboys and Outlaws and Indians and… Alien and BEMs*,” but I imagine it would’ve taken a bit to work that onto a marquee.

Just watched the DVD. Not bad for a B- Movie quality script, A and A-minus cast and special effects that shared “best parts of the show” with some horses and a dog (apparently named “Dog” *sigh*).

All-in-all, very nearly worth the $3.27 it took to rent the thing, though I’m not quite sure it was worth the time spent watching it. Although, I must admit it was moderately amusing trying to predict when Daniel Craig’s hat would change from brown to black and back again… in the same scene, often as not. Oh, there were bunches of continuity issues and lame sound effects to go along with the amusingly B- script, so I suppose it was worth the time to watch, just so I could have things to sneer at.

So, would I watch it again? Not sure. I do have a weakness for weak movies, so I might, even given my distaste for “re-runs” (“Seen it” is a phrase my Wonder Woman sometimes tires of hearing *heh*).

The music for the sound track wasn’t bad, and the “making of” bonus material was quite interesting. In fact, more interesting than the movie itself, for me.

*Bug-eyed Monsters