Super Thanksgiving

Double Celebration. It’s usually pretty easy to remember our wedding anniversary, since we were married the day after Thanksgiving (the rehearsal dinner even doubled as a Family Reunion Thanksgiving meal, served in the poshest of posh settings at my fav aunt & uncle’s home :-)).

This year, Thanksgiving falls on THE day, so it’s a double celebration.

33 years, 13 years on “second chance” (October 1998 was when my Wonder Woman “died” three times in one day and I got to practice CPR on a Not Dummy).

I’m a lucky, lucky guy, and proof of that old law of nature that states that the uglier the guy the better the woman he’ll end up with. *heh*

Son & Heir will be here. Lovely Daughter and her Estimable Spouse will be visiting his relations in Alabama this year. We’ll see them on Sunday. Heck, by then I may even have started assembling my Grolsh beer bottle Christmas “tree”. Or not, since the bay window’s full of my Wonder Woman’s plants this year.