Advice to Ponder

“Meddle thou not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.”

This sentence from a book read some time ago popped back up from whence it had sunk, and I thought the voices in my head were telling me to post it, so… 😉

Words Used to Have Meaning…

But now, words mean… whatever. It’s not just normal pejoration of words over time, anymore. Ortega’s Mass Man controls the decline of our increasingly debased tongue.

FROOMB! (Trust me or not, it relates… *sigh*)
Parents: Cursing baby doll should not be sold

I really do tire of this kind of thing. The doll apparently says, “Hey, crazy bitch.”

*yawn* The “Outrage Factory” is at work full time on this one, it seems.

This is marginally interesting as an indicator of the normalization of vulgarity in popular speech (but then, “vulgar” does mean “common, base” and our society is increasingly base–“morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; meanspirited; selfish…
of little or no value; worthless”
). Only stupid, subliterate, neovictorian bowdlerizers would consider “bitch” a curse. It’s vulgar, of course, but a “curse word”? Hardly. Of course, in today’s increasingly alliterate society, such pejoration of words (such as “curse”) has become common.

*waits for “outraged” subliterates to react negatively*

“Now there abide these three: phonemes, syntax and semantics, and the greatest of these is semantics.”

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