Understanding “Presidents Day”

(Thanks to a commenter, Becky Sorensen, on FB for the kickoff to this post.)

A lady was eating lunch with her daughter and 10 year old grandson
last week when his mom asked him “What is tomorrow?”

He said “It’s President’s Day”

She asked “Do you know what that means?”.

He said “President’s Day is when Obama steps out of the White House
and if he sees his shadow we have 2 more years of unemployment and

From the mouths of babes… But I’d almost prefer Presidents Day be viewed as a whack-a-mole game than as Groundhog Day, though… (I mean, after all, it honors the First Great American Tyrant as part of its purpose, as well as honoring the Father of Our Country. *heh* Playing whack-a-mole with the current occupant of the White House seems appropriate.)



The Makers vs. The Takers

Take away?

“The recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report citing systemic high
unemployment for the past two years shows that of the approximately
300 million Americans, only 47% of adults have full-time jobs. It’s a
mind-boggling statistic: 53%– or a majority — of American adults do
not work. The repercussions for our country are dire, despite the
White House proclaiming the recent Labor report as good news.”

Now, there are several classes among that 53%, and not all of them are
“takers” as the writer of the article posits (for but one example,
stay-at-home moms with a supportive and supportING husbands
), but enough of them are that the divide is stark.

Change I Can Believe In


Although Spring’s officially a week or so away, I decided it was time to change from this desktop background, which looks very like some of the “piney woods” winter roads in America’s Third World County (but is from a “piney woods” road in Norway):



to this one:



Oh, this field, though also looking much like some areas of America’s Third World County, is also from Norway, outside Bergen, where many of my Wonder Woman’s family are from.

(Yes, I have two clocks on my desktop. One is an alarm clock–digital display–and the other a simple analog display. If I could find an analog display I liked with the alarm clock built in, I’d dispense with the digital display entirely, but so far my searches for such a thing have been in vain.)