Looking Toward 2012…

I have a suggestion for transparency in campaigning for The Zero, adapted from a graphic I ran across on FB:

Of course, complete transparency would attach this to a certified copy of an actual birth certificate, adoption records, Indonesian citizenship records and a statement that “Barry Hussein Obama-Soetoro is running for the position of unconstitutional holder of the office of the presidency of the United States of America as the illegal alien communist candidate from Kenya-Indonesia”.

(Yes, I do think that, given the millions he’s spent to deny the public access to his past, Barry Hussein Obama-Soetoro is “a fraud of monstrous size” perpetrated on the citizens of the United States of America by a coalition of the corrupt, stupid, naive, and deliberately disinformed.)


Adrian Kingsley-Hughes weighs in on The sorry state of antivirus software.

All the ideas in the article for improving anti-malware softwares are worthwhile. I’d disagree with his simplistic sneer at “experts” who tell folks they’re to blame for their own infestation of malware. Ed Bott’s problem mentioned in the article, as well as most of the otherwise smart folks whose systems I clean from time to time, is that he was simply not careful enough. Scheduling regular full scans, doing manual scans with different anti-malware softwares and even regular, scheduled times to visit respected online scanning services aren’t enough in today’s Windows computing world. Firefox and Internet Exploder–the two most common browsers–are sadly lacking as secure browsing platforms. Out-of-the-box, I’d not use either one as a browser. With add-ons, they can both become a bit more secure (a link scanner like AVGs, WOT, whatever), but even then, “smart folks” sometimes unthinkingly do risky things on the net. Both Chrome and Opera, as two examples, are more secure in a fresh install and can be made more secure with add-ons. A sandboxed browser is even better for protecting one’s computer during browsing–and sandboxing other internet applications isn’t a bad idea, either.

And those are just the surface things one can do to become more secure using a Windows computer. More important is developing commonsense habits that make one more secure. One habit I’ve mentioned already: NEVER neglect regular full scans with a well-respected, fully up-to-date anti-malware, etc. Another is mentioned in the article: keeping one’s system (and that doesn’t just mean the OS but also one’s applications) up to date, fully patched. Others are harder to get many–even “smart” users–to adopt.

Use secure passwords and change them on a regular basis. Sure, remembering a 16 to 64 character string of semi-randomized characters is hard for some folks, and typing them in all the time is cumbersome, but there are good utilities to save them in encrypted form and enter them given one master password. The better ones cost money, though, and some otherwise smart folks are too cheap to cough up for them.

And then there are the folks who unthinkingly simply CLICK through the security prompts in Windows Vista/7. *sigh* A Very Good Habit to develop is to STOP THAT!!! *heh*

View all emails in plain text mode. Seriously. Hard to get folks to do, but nowadays it’s just the smart thing to do.

NEVER install ANY application from ANYWHERE without FIRST manually scanning it with a well-respected, up-to-date anti-malware. No, never. Period. Is this simply paranoia? Probably, but I’ve not infected any of my own systems, yet, going all the way back to the DOS “stone age”. Have I been sent infected files by smart people? Yes. Even from some Very, Very Smart People. Installed them (or in any way let them be close to executed)? No.

Good hardware/software firewalls (on devices protected with strong passwords and data encryption), Regular Backups (!!!) and good general security habits are still just about all one needs, IMO, to be pretty darned safe. Is there room for improvement in security softwares and the Windows OS? Yes, and there always will be. Is the even more room for improvement in users’ habits? Yes. Always will be. Both of those things keep my pockets jingling. 🙂


I love these cool, gray Autumn days. Easy on the eyes. Especially nice when they come along on weekends. Good napping weather. 🙂

“Golden Boy” (not his name) cat is at least smart enough to have learned to keep a minimum of 4″ between himself and this lil notebook as I type along, surf or whatever. Other Cats (who shall also go unnamed) weren’t that smart. But I do wish he’d can the “walk up on the back of the couch and butt head into typing human” trick. Distracting and sometimes annoying. He does do a good job of amusing himself with random stuff he “finds” (or steals from my desk or whatever) to carry around while loudly proclaiming his victory over the inanimate object or throwing it so he can chase and catch it.

Don’t you just love this?

Thank you for your order. I have contacted XCompany to send you the email with the download link and serial number. You should receive the email form XCompany on Monday.

*arrrggghhhh!* THE REASON for purchasing downloadable software IS INSTANT GRATIFICATION!!!

*sigh* I’ll wait until Monday. Not. I bought it, I’ll have it NOW. *goes and finds, downloads a pirated copy and keygen for the software* Works for now. One decimal point of a version back. I’ll just reinstall with the legit copy/license key later. *grumble-grumble-gripe-complain*

Ashton Kutcher –is there an excuse for any film with this guy in it? I only ask because I came into the room and there was a movie on with him in it. Tune out…

Seven weeks with only 1.5 doses (three half tabs) of high blood pressure meds needed. Something’s working. Kinda like that.

SyFy–*feh* The SciFi Channel was once a decent idea. Now? What a bust. Kind of like The History Channel was a decent idea before it became “The Conspiracy Theory Channel” mixed in with lots of other kinds of dumbass crap.

‘S’all I have.

Nah: one more. I noticed that the “holiday” commercials for gift-giving from Kay Jewelers are not touting prostitution anymore (“Every kiss begins with Kays”). That’s progress of some sort, at least.

Early Prep for Holiday Cooking

Nicole has posted a fav “holiday recipe” over at Autumn People and asked for personal favs of our own. So, I’ll pass the idea on. Post a fav of your own too, if you will.

Super Easy Christmas “Chili”

Shredded leftover turkey–just use however much will fit in the pot you use along with the other ingredients
1 yellow onion, chopped and sautéed
2 cloves of garlic, minced and sautéed
1 large can of green enchilada sauce
2 small cans of chopped green chilis
1 can of white hominy
1 can of canellini beans (“white” beans)
1 can of Rotels, your fav flavor (I like the habanero Rotels, but the rest of my family finds it too spicy)
Edit: add water to almost an amount equal to the green enchilada sauce. Adjust to your “stewish” preference. If you used the liquid from the hominy and beans, you might need less water.

Dump it all in a crock pot and just let it go. When it’s bubbling nicely, turn to low and let it simmer.

I like to serve it with tortilla chips on the side and cheese and a few chopped peppers on top/stirred in. Seranos or jalapeños complement the rest pretty well, IMO.

Veterans Day 2010

I usually post something different to this on Veterans Day. Not this year. Events over the past couple of years have brought back memories of the shameful treatment by our political elite of soldiers returning from Vietnam. Oh, the public–apart from some particularly toxic portions of the vicious left–isn’t spitting on Veterans and active military personnel, but the current White House and its co-conspirators certainly seem to find those who have chosen to genuinely serve this nation in the profoundest sense distasteful.

And that brings a couple of thoughts to mind, both from that great master who saw an earlier polity mistreat its military and make some profoundly stupid foreign policy mistakes. So, from Kipling:


God of our fathers, known of old–
Lord of our far-flung battle line
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine–
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies;
The captains and the kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget!

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe–
Such boasting as the Gentiles use
Or lesser breeds without the law–
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard–
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard–
For frantic boast and foolish word,
Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord!

And, though the general public has rejected the behaviors characterized below, you can be absolutely certain that the hard Left–and Barry Hussein Obama-Soetoro seems intent on proving himself a member of that hard Left–is well represented in those who are like the abusers of–

I went into a public-‘ouse to get a pint o’ beer,
The publican ‘e up an’ sez, “We serve no red-coats here.”
The girls be’ind the bar they laughed an’ giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an’ to myself sez I:
O it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, go away”;
But it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but ‘adn’t none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-‘alls,
But when it comes to fightin’, Lord! they’ll shove me in the stalls!
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, wait outside”;
But it’s “Special train for Atkins” when the trooper’s on the tide,
The troopship’s on the tide, my boys, the troopship’s on the tide,
O it’s “Special train for Atkins” when the trooper’s on the tide.

Yes, makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an’ they’re starvation cheap;
An’ hustlin’ drunken soldiers when they’re goin’ large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin’ in full kit.
Then it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, ‘ow’s yer soul?”
But it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll.

We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes, nor we aren’t no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An’ if sometimes our conduck isn’t all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints;
While it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, fall be’ind”,
But it’s “Please to walk in front, sir”, when there’s trouble in the wind,
There’s trouble in the wind, my boys, there’s trouble in the wind,
O it’s “Please to walk in front, sir”, when there’s trouble in the wind.

You talk o’ better food for us, an’ schools, an’ fires, an’ all:
We’ll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don’t mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow’s Uniform is not the soldier-man’s disgrace.
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it’s “Saviour of ‘is country” when the guns begin to shoot;
An’ it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ anything you please;
An’ Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool — you bet that Tommy sees!

Along With Everybody Else and His Dog…

…I’ll go ahead and post this, since it’s just so much fun to watch. And outbreak of good citizenship catches the Dhimmicraps by the short hairs:


And here’s another with a slightly different message:


Do NOT Vote!

…unless you have had your stomach pumped to rid yourself of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind KoolAid and have THEN done your due diligence to inform yourself (as opposed to the misinformation, disinformation and outright lies of the Hivemind and its co-conspirators in the “assisted suicide” of the West). But if you HAVE done these things, then