Bugs ‘n’ Fixes

Well, even Windows 7 has its shortcomings. I’ll not list them here (feel free to do so in comments *heh*). It is still the est thing M$ has done in quite a long while, and easily Good Enough for most uses, good enough, in fact, to supplant Ubuntu (in any flavor, including the attractive and full-featured Mint) as my daily use OS for most uses. That’s going some.

But still, some rough edges, and so M$ has made an effort to make it more secure with a better update process (though still not as good as some ‘nix distros manage… most of the time), th free Microsoft Security Essentials (which is pretty good) and…

Microsoft Fixit, a website devoted to some easily-run fixes for Windows annoyances. It’s actually pretty useful. Surprise, surprise. 🙂 Of course, when I visited the place recently using the (very) new Opera 11 beta, which is very, very, very good in almost all respects, I noticed that Microsofties aren’t the only ones who can have bugs slip in from time to time:
