Illiteracy Meets Stupidity and Spawns Idiocy

Long line of cars in the right-turn lane, stopped behind some yokel who shouldn’t have a driver’s license. As in most of the country, “right turn on red after stop” is the law in America’s Third World County. So, light turns green, cars move forward and… stop as light turns red again and the illiterate, lazy, stupid boob in front of me just sits there. Oh, had I not mentioned that this is a “T” intersection and there is NO traffic to prevent proceeding after a stop, unless oncoming traffic on the street I was on (there was none) has a left turn arrow?

I honked a couple of times to wake the “Bela Vista driver*” ahead of me, but to no avail.


*Driver had an Arkansas tag. Bella Vista, Arkansas got its start as a planned community for retirees. Around here, when someone begins showing evidence of “Oldtimers’ Disease” we call that a “BellaVista moment”.


Whah?!? Busy coupla months. Stop for air and… nothing substantive’s changed. The Big Zero and his minions are still blocking all sensible efforts to stop the oopsie in the Gulf. No real progress in blocking the (about half) BP-written crap-n-tax. The wussification and socialization (redundancy alert) of the US under the White, urm, Café-au-lait House, Congressional Dhimmicraps and Repugnicants (or as Jerry Pournelle likes to style them, after a Peggy Noonan article, Nuts and Creeps *heh*) and Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind is still proceeding unabated.

IOW, no news.

Seems the summer news slump has hit an early low. I may as well pull a Rip Van Winkle. *sigh*