Very Nice!

I’ve been (and still am) more busy than usual for the past coupla months, so I skipped the official debut of Ubuntu 10.4. Just did a 10-minute install of the OS (from an iso image, using Virtualbox–no burning of yet another CD). That’s about 10 minutes less install time than my most recent virtual XP machine install. And that’s including the installation routine’s check for and download of updated files.

Looks slick. Very, very clean and sharp. I’ll have a little time later to play with it, but now that the rain’s stopped, I need to get “out there” for some of my rain-delayed “outside work”.

Squirrels apparently line-dancing in the rain, today, as my internet connection’s slowed to a measly 3mbs crawl. Almost unusable. *heh* Drives me out to get working, anyway… 😉

Note: the VirtualBox/Ubuntu install happened mostly in the background while 42 other apps and services, including an Opera session with ~40 tabs open, Thunderbird (checking for new mail every five minutes) and Lightscribe (burning a label on a OneNote 2010 DVD) were running on the host machine. Not bad.