100 Days of Blood and Toil and Sweat and Tears

…just none of it The 0!’s blood and toil and sweat and tears, of course.

List of accomplishments for The 0!’s administration in its first 100 days:

Enslaved our grandchildren with more debt than has been amassed by all previous administrations combined.

Thrown dirt in the faces of American allies, kissed up to sworn enemies of the US and made obeisance to Islamic thugs.

Made great strides in allowing more potential carriers of swine flu into the US.

Nominated more known crooks to his first cabinet than any president in history.

Oh, why bother with any of the rest? This highly intelligent dumbass has already managed to challenge Dhimmi Kahtah’s title as the worst American president in living memory.

So much for hopenchange.

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