10th Amendment News

From Texas governor, Rick Perry:

“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state. That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.

“…Millions of Texans are tired of Washington, DC trying to come down here to tell us how to run Texas.”

He’d better be carefull. While 33 States so far have either begun considering or have already passed bills or resolutions affirming the proper role of the fedgov as limited by the 10th Amendment, who knows what the fedgov may do? Lincoln set the bar when he called out federal troops to disband the Maryland legislature and arrest Maryland legislators for not offering resounding support for his intention of going to war with the Southern States. And the DHS has issued a “report” that, among other things,

“…defines ‘rightwing extremism in the United States’ as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.”

Hmm, seems like the Texas legislature (as well as the legislatures of the 32 other States that have either passed or are considering passing legislation affirming limits on fedgov power, as per the 10th Amendment) would qualify as “right wing extremist groups” under the new report from DHS.

Just Do It. Now

Before it’s too late.

Do your homework. The fat cat D.C. politicians and tax lobbyists hate the FairTax and take every opportunity to lie about it. Find out why at FairTax.org Take politics out of the tax code.

Going to a Tea Party today, so any work and additional blogging is on hold. Find a Tea Party near you and attend if you can.


Get the pdf here. Print it out and then hand it out at a Tea Party.

Update: TEA Party report: medium sized town north of here (~30,000 residents). When Son&Heir and I arrived, there were better than 600 folks there, and as things progressed, more filled in behind us. About an hour “rally” taking up the whole street and municipal parking lot in front of city hall and the police station (with spillover stretching to the bond business next to the police station with the big “Bailout” sign *heh*).

Passed out all our FairTax flyers and were asked frequently if I knew where a FairTax rally would be soon (I knew only of the “big” one in the State Capital in June).

Meeting closed with prayer and the whole crowd singing “America the Beautiful”. Nice sized choir. 🙂

Update #2: The local (for the TEA Party location) paper reported the, “‘Tax Day Tea Party’ alone drew at least 1,000 people.” (There were other protests/rallies with similar themes that happened in the area–indeed in the same town–yesterday that drew hundreds more, according to the report)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Political Byline, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.