Music and Sensibilities

One of the serious issues facing our society today is a direct result of what Ortega identified as but one of the undue effects of “mass man” on society: a coarsening of art in the public arena. Given my background and inclinations, I perceive the coarsening most often in the performance arts, particularly music.

Now, let me back up a bit and articulate a bit of what this lil rant was spurred by. I recieved a glurge-filled email today that went on about the life of John Henry Newton, author of the song most widely known as “Amazing Grace.” So, naturally, besides beginning an automatic critique of the glurge in the email text, my mind’s ear began replaying various performances–including choral, congregational and solo–of “Amazing Grace” and found, as always, that (almost) ALL of them fell short of the power and beauty of the lyrics, because the tune most commonly sung to the words is a lousy match for the words’ meaning and is not really very singable, to boot.

*sigh* And then there’s the fact that everyone and his untalented dog seems to think that they can improve the tune (and thus the song) by screwing around with it and mangling it badly. While it may well be proper to abuse poor tunes in sch a way, sadly the abuse never seems to be performed by anyone with any real musical ability.

Well, that’s where this rant originated, at least. Now, what’s its point? Simply this: most folks’ ears are too deafened by crap sold as music nowadays that even attempting to point out the differences between good and bad prosody, between music/lyric marriages made in heaven and those made BY hell is almost impossible. Sure, if one is able to catch a child young enough, and feed the child a daily dose of well-wrought music, perhaps the child will attain adulthood with ears that can actually–at least–reproduce pitch and hopefully even desire music that feeds rather than craps on his higher nature.

But should that occur, then that adult will be an alien in our debased society.

And this alienation from “better things” in favor of scarfing up feces misrepresenting itself as art is symptomatic of the coarsening of every aspect of our society. The deaf ears that cannot even hear the difference between the musical feces that passes as most “music” today (and I include most contemporary soi disant “serious, academic or classical” crap as well) and real music cannot tell the differences between any of the other lies that the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind spews and truth, either.


And it’s all our fault for elevating the sensibilities of the common man to iconic stature, for whatever genuine virtues the common man posseses (and there are more than a few), lowering social sensibilities, and thus social virtues, to the lowest common denominator is a sure recipe for the demise of a society.

Teach your children well. The government schools and the Hivemind certainly will not.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, , Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, Right Voices, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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A-Pirating We Will Go?

No, not the Somali pirating that’s lately gained some notoriety. Software pirating-ish, sorta, kinda not quite.

When Me$$y$oft gave away demo/”preview” copies of Windows 7 alpha at WINHEC the other day, “Some one made the sketch his own” as it were, and almost immediately iso files (in torrents) were sprouting up all over the web.

OK, so I’m downloading one of ’em now. Of course, as I understand it, the thing has a 30-day kill switch and is designed to be a trial, so while I may be violating some law’s letter (I haven’t actually checked the nitty gritty on the licensing), I may actually be observing the spirit of the law better than those who stick to its letter. *huh*? The spirit of copyright law is, “Do no monetary harm to the copyright holder and do not harm the copyright holder by making unauthorized changes to his work.”Heck, I may (may) actually do Me$$y$oft some good if its claims for Windows 7 pan out by giving it a positive review.

Caveats: if the torrent fails, I’ll bail on checking out/reviewing Win7. AND, even if the torrent succeeds, this is a very, very early release and may be too buggy for even a fair VM tryout. VM? Yep. You don’t expect I’d hazard a REAL machine with an alpha-release OS, do you? *heh* Anywho, here’re a couple of graphics to whet your appetite:

BTW, while I don’t usually try out pre-release OSes, because I just don’t like “sacrificing” a working machine for the task, VMs are giving me a LOT of flexibility there. Using up a lot of hard drive space, too, but that’s what large hard drives were made for, eh? (Still, I may have to buy a couple of nice big drives somewhere soon down the road, but with 500GiB drives for $50 that probably won’t be that big a deal. Need spares, anyway.)

Also note another Very Good Reason to try this iso out in a VM:

No-one yet knows if any malware has been injected into the ISO, so anyone downloading it will surely be hoping that is not the case.

Consider yourself warned.

The Road Ahead; 3.3

Good citizenship, properly applied, must demand accountability from every person, from political elite, “self-elected” nomenklatura, to the common Joe and Josephine in the street: everyone. But in demanding–and holding firm to that demand–accountability, we’re going to hear a lot of pigs squealing, skewered by accountability:

In trying to resurrect conservatism and the Republican party, I fear there’s a whole segment of our country we can never reach. These people, whether rich or poor, are not our natural constituents. These are the people to whom things are owed.

We saw it after the Katrina debacle, at the other end of the socioeconomic scale: “Why are you so slow to help us? Where is our money and food? Why haven’t you been here, government, rebuilding my house? I know my rights, and my rights include welfare, subsidies, support, and attention. We’re not to be treated like those victims of tornadoes in the Midwest who pull themselves together, help their friends, patrol their communities, and rebuild their neighborhoods. No, life is supposed to be easy, big and easy; why aren’t you here right now with the support I deserve?” And we hear it from the fat financial community who want the bailout check left at their door while they go on rich retreats to celebrate their good fortune.

This, by the way, is why Sarah Palin was so refreshing and, to be clear, so exotic to all the elites: a woman who could raise herself up by dint of hard work and self-sacrifice to be a wife, mother, mayor, and governor. She didn’t do it by set-asides, by birth, by quotas, or by handouts. She did it as a woman and she did it by her efforts. She exemplified what we all once saw as America—a land of opportunity, where you could be anything you set your mind to be so long as you worked for it. She showed us something about both her character and ours, our old-fashioned American character. For all this, she had to be ridiculed—she represented a kind of American virtue that shames the privileged, whether they be rich or poor.

Shame the privileged. A worthy goal. How? B y demanding accountability from our political (and bureaucratic) elites and by quietly, firmly, consistently emphasizing our differences to both the statists of the Left and the statists of the Right (most often found among the country club repugnican’ts now in power in the Republican Party).

In the second chapter of I Peter, the apostle charged first century Christians to make a positive impact on the world around them with their alien character:

1 Peter 2:11–Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 12Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:11-12 [emphasis added]

Now, while I’d urge Christians to follow that injunction, I’d also urge all good citizens of whatever religious persuasion (and by “religious” I also include atheists, no matter how silly they might be in denying that their belief system is a religion) to emulate the principle ennunciated by Peter: be good examples to those around you. Express your God-given rights (yes, God even gives rights to atheists) and liberties in such a way as to shame your fellow citizens (those few who have any ability to feel shame left) into honoring truth, seeking justice, examining mercy and voting knowledgeably and wittingly for these principles the next time they go to the polls.

Shame the privileged. The rich privileged and the poor privileged. The privileged politician and the privileged bureaucrat. Whoever and wherever they may be: shame them by your life, lived well.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s News and Ideas, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, and A Newt One, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Beer, good; TV, bad

I halfway kinda wanted to see the weird cop show, “Life,” last night, but only halfway, kinda. Instead, I spent the hour bottling a little over three gallons of Georgy Porgy Molasses Beer using about half and half screwtop 12oz bottles and 12oz bottles capped with my shiny new bottle capper.

Yeh, yeh, I know: recycling screwtop bottle caps on screwtop bottles is supposed to be a no-no, but I’ve had no problem even with the over-carbonated hard apple cider bottles, so I figured, why not? Admittedly, new bottle caps on non-screwtop bottles is faster, slicker, but since I have about a peck of reusable screwtop bottle caps and BOXES of the bottles to go with ’em, why not?

Still, I have to admit, the Sam Adams and New Belgium bottles are much nicer than the Red Killian (and other) screwtop bottles. But I also hope to be turning some of those into glasses in coming months.

Oh, I did bottle 51+oz in two sparkling grape (non-alcoholic) bottles left over from my Wonder Woman’s holiday sipping (yes, she shared). I’ll have to pour those in two glasses apiece, but Son&Heir will help out there, I’m sure.

Tomorrow evening, I need to bottle a couple of gallons of “Canadian Draft” brew. That I’ll bottle in some empty Grolsch swingtops, 16oz per bottle. I’ve found those seal well enough that I can drink ’em in two separate 8oz glasses, with some hours between, if I desire, with no loss of flavor or carbonation I can detect.

Next? Some lager, some more W(h)ine (still have about half a gallon of the last batch left) and another couple of batches of molasses or other beers. Maybe some strawberry w(h)ine or something even weirder. I won’t run out of bottles, because between Son&Heir and I, we manage about 28oz-32oz per day of the beers, less of the cider and w(h)ine. *huh*? Yep. Don’t drink much. Sometimes it’s less, cos he doesn’t have a beer every day (wise, Grasshopper, wise), and I only have one to two per day max. Of course, sometimes that’s one 16oz beer or two 12oz beers OR one 12oz cider (the cider seesm to be about 2X the alcohol content, on average, of the beers, measured by taste and effect on me–I don’t have a hydrometer that’s calibrated to measure alcohol content… yet).

All-in-all, a fun and tasty (and cheap) amusement that adds some health benefits to my daily diet.

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The Road Ahead, 3.2

What does a good citizen do when faced with a bad government? Well, as I’ve pointed out before, in a representative reublic–which in theory is these (dis)United States–we have a responsibility to be directly involved in the process of selecting our leaders, not just by voting but also by doing all we can to influence the selection of candidates and to keep our representatives’ noses pressed firmly to the grindstone of OUR choosing.

But more, much more than that, we need to do everything we can to educate our local, state and national representatives as to their poper place in the scheme of things as public servants, employees of The People, not all that important in our daily lives, mostly warts on the body politic.

In order to achieve this objective, we must

1. Give due honor to genuine public servants
2. Give the raspberry to politicians exercising illegitimate power as though it were legitimate authority, but most of all,
3. Be a daily example to our children, friends and relatives of persons who consider the law a negative thing and politicians’ proper role in the scheme of things to be that of chidren in the Victorian age: seen rarely, rarely heard.


Yep. We must train those around us and future generations to view the purpose of the law as mostly negative: punishing–harshly punishing, in most cases–malefactors who harm others by violence, theft or deceit. (Hmmm, that’d place 90%, at least, of our congresscritters in harm’s way PDQ.) We must peacefully, quietly, consistently refuse to acknowlege laws and regulations that violate basic human and civil rights as noted in the founding/source documents of this nation (BTW, for any illiterati having this post read to them, that does include the Bible–check the Founders’ own words, if you can.) Sure, some of us will run afoul of some nancypants government bureaucrat intent on doing us harm, but we must do what’s right for the good of our progeny.

And as we go about our daily lives, simply doing what is good and right and just, as instructed by the same wisdom that instructed the Founders, that means that we will do the ordinary things of life purposefully, as revolutionary actions in resistance to the growing anarcho-tyranny of various civil governments and quasi-governmental agencies (like public schools).

In that vein, expect more “beer posts” and more “compgeeky posts” and more other such posts apparently unrelated to politics, societal decay, etc. Just figting the good fight in quiet ways…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo – WordPress, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.


There’s more to a number than meets the eye. See the kerfuffle over The Obamassiah’s supposed selctive service registration over at Debbie Schlussel’s.

*whew!* The guy can’t even prove he was born, let alone where. Claims multiple dates for draft registration, none of which seem to match up with the documentation made availabe through a FOIA request. Secretive about his academic record. Can’t recollect long, intimate working relationships with unrepentant terrorists. Denies saying things he’s on video saying, etc.

Hmmm, sounds like a 21st century politician *spit* all right.

(And yes, there more to the number that is this post’s title than meets the eye… )

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“Insanity? I’m just crazy about that stuff!”

So, the latest Ubuntu 8.10 Live CD includes Wubi. Hmmm, so what did I do?

Installed it inside a Windows 2000 VM that happened to be running, hosted by Ubuntu 8.04, when I inserted the CD, of course.

So now, it’s a fully updated Ubuntu 8.04 hosting a Windows 2000 session that has a dual boot installation of Win2K/Ubuntu 8.10 installed inside it.

And it works.

Cwazy, simpwy cwazy.

*heh, heh, heh*

(It’s not my fault. I wasn’t there. I have witnesses.)