The Wexford Carol

As part of The Christmas Alliance, today’s offering is The Wexford Carol, piano performance by Jon Schmidt.

Good people all, this Christmas time,
Consider well and bear in mind
What our good God for us has done,
In sending His belovèd Son.
With Mary holy we should pray
To God with love this Christmas Day;
In Bethlehem upon the morn
There was a blest Messiah born.

The night before that happy tide
The noble virgin and her guide
Were long time seeking up and down
To find a lodging in the town.
But mark how all things came to pass:
From every door repelled, alas!
As long foretold, their refuge all
Was but a humble oxen stall.

Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep;
To whom God’s angels did appear
Which put the shepherds in great fear.
“Prepare and go”, the angels said,
“To Bethlehem, be not afraid;
For there you’ll find, this happy morn,
A princely Babe, sweet Jesus born.”

With thankful heart and joyful mind,
The shepherds went the babe to find,
And as God’s angel has foretold,
They did our Savior Christ behold.
Within a manger He was laid,
And by His side the virgin maid
Attending to the Lord of Life,
Who came on earth to end all strife.

Wexford Carol – Jon Schmidt / Irish Carol

(And do see below the fold)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Democrat=Socialist, Woman Honor Thyself, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Continue reading “The Wexford Carol”

Christmas Alliance 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT! The Carnival of Christmas is up. Kat has done a beautiful job of rounbding up and presenting a wonderful collection of Christmas posts. Merry Christmas!

NOTE: This is a “sticky post”; for newer posts, see directly below. From now until Christmas, it’ll be all Christmas music, all the time, here at third world county. No longer “sticky” as of 12-26-08.


To participate in this year’s Christmas Alliance, see Kat’s post.

WordPress 2.7

So, I Upgraded to 2.7 in just a few clicks. Why? Mostly, I guess to get rid of the nag notice. *sigh* I’m sure I’ll get used to the new admin interface eventually, but right now, all it really seems to do is make it difficult to navigate to different admin tasks. Easy to write posts, but manage other aspects of the blog? Notso.

Ahh, found the issue. Was using Ozh’s Admin Drop-Down Menu plugin. Great plugin… for 2.6. Wiped out the left sidebar that is new in 2.7 (replacing the top nav bar). Still going to take some retraining, but now don’t have to type management pages into my browser’s addressbar by memory. *heh* With my memory, you might imagine some of the pages I tried to access…

Update: A new Ozh’s Admin Drop-Down Menu plugin was just made available, obviously to fix compatibility issues with WP2.7. “Obviously” because the upgraded version works fine, replaces the left sidebar in WP Admin with drop-downs–making this edit screen easier to work with, for one thing. When I buy the lil 22″ LCD screen I have my eye on, I may go back to using the sidebar, but on this lil ole 19″-er, I can use the screen real estate and pump my browser up to 150% enlargement for my tired old eyes.