“Insanity? I’m just crazy about that stuff!”

So, the latest Ubuntu 8.10 Live CD includes Wubi. Hmmm, so what did I do?

Installed it inside a Windows 2000 VM that happened to be running, hosted by Ubuntu 8.04, when I inserted the CD, of course.

So now, it’s a fully updated Ubuntu 8.04 hosting a Windows 2000 session that has a dual boot installation of Win2K/Ubuntu 8.10 installed inside it.

And it works.

Cwazy, simpwy cwazy.

*heh, heh, heh*

(It’s not my fault. I wasn’t there. I have witnesses.)

2 Replies to ““Insanity? I’m just crazy about that stuff!””

  1. From a description of recursion in an old view of the universe where the Earth is a disk supported on the back of four elephants standing on the shell of a turtle.

    What’s the turtle standing on?

    “It’s turtles all the way down.”

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