A Vote for Palin… and Whatsisname

OK, feeling like a “grumpy old guy” myself last night. I decided, “Hey! Watching TV ‘news’ (a rare event for me) can’t make things any worse, can it?”

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise. Sarah Palin was on MSNBC with some Mass Media Podpeople Chicky, and Palin knocked me for a loop. The Q&A went something like this:

Mass Media Podpeople Chicky: “*Blah, blah blah blah?*”

Palin: “*Rapid-fire, on target, forceful, clear, sensible answer without a buncha meaningless buzz words*”

Lather, rinse, repeat.

No bullshit! I was stunned. A politician talking w/o bullshit? Look for the apocalypse.

The very first substantive political speaking I’ve heard since Fred Thompson left the race.

So, curmudgeon-who-hates-politicians in general or not; sour taste in mouth from Juan Mexicain’s disgusting support for alien invasion of the U.S.–I’ll vote for Palin–oh, and whatsisname–come November. Heck, this is the frirst politician I’ve heard talking sense without a lot of hemming and hawing and stumblebum “Uhs” and “Ums” in years. That alone is worth something. Forget a Palin/Biden “debate”. I wanna see a Palin/Obamassiah debate. If last night’s MSNBC interview is any indication, she’d clean his clock, put him back on the shelf and not even break a sweat.

I’m shocked, shocked I say! that Juan Mexicain could have the balls/intelligence to choose to run as a veep someone who seems to so easily outshine him. Maybe he has some virtues after all.


So, with due credit to Beldar for being the source (for me, at least) for the image,

BTW, Palin does need to stress more the national security effects of energy dependence on foreign oil, jobs creation and economic benefits to the lower 48, though she did allude to those aspects of energy independence in outlining the need for more domestic production during a transition energy economy. Nicely done.

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Beagle Scout, NN&V, Democrat=Socialist, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.