Endlessly Surprising

And delightfully so.

I’ve listened to Beethoven’s symphonies–and his other works–many, many times over the years, even been privileged to be a part of performances of some of his works through the years, but one thing that is a continual surprise is that every time I rehearse (think on that word a bit, would you–sometimes my :listening” is merely reading through a score and discovering new delights in my mid’s ear–Fun!) one of his symphonies it’s fresh, new, full of delights both in things that resound in memory and that strike me brand spaking new.

Try finding that in “Top 40” pap.

Listening to number seven again today, during an extended, well-earned break, I started out feeling exhausted, filled with an almost rag doll lassitude.

First movement wiped that out in a BIG hurry!

I just love this stuff.


The Dhimmicrappic Energy Plan

[Insert pic of “fav” Dhimmicrappic politician *spit* here]




(At least there’s an inexhaustible supply of gasbag pronouncements from ’em. Now, if only I could run my car on their reverse peristalsis flatus… )

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