The Sound of Music

The sound of music today is… not so musical.

The manufactured sounds of contemporary rock, hip-hop, country and etc., are stale, boring, and often completely UNmusical. So-called “artists” who can neither find nor maintain pitch (admittedly those who pass as “country music singers” nowadays usually have a BIG edge over most in other genres in at least finding pitches) seem to dominate the manufactured music market.

Of course they do. Most people nowadays can’t hear thunder. Data point: anyone reading this who can discern pitches need only think back to the first few weeks of any season of American Idol. Think of all the completely clueless, tone-deaf aspirants who auditioned. They are among the best of the population in general.

Yes, most people in our society today are tone deaf. And I lay the “blame”–such as it is–at the feet of lazy generations of folks who have let the radio (and the technologies that followed it) make their music for them, instead of making their own music. You see, true tone deafness is extremely rare, but most folks nowadays have never bothered to learn to sing, play an instrument or even whistle a tune. Oh, as American Idol evidences, many folks think they can sing, but obviously cannot.

Heck, I spent more than a few years teaching music (both vocal and instrumental) in various settings and venues. Even kids who self-select to be in band or orchestra far, far more often than not came to the classes–in fifth or sixth grade… and even more sadly after several years of “instruction” by others–with only the vaguest idea of pitch differentiation. And I have heard “award-winning” high school bands that have never been introduced to that old Chinese gentleman, Tun-ing.

Go to a church, once one of the cultural bastions of vocal/choral music, and simply listen (if you’re one of the minority of those who can differentiate pitches). Horrible. Listless voices. Tuneless congregational singing. A far cry from the days of my youth (and even then it was not rare to find pockets of poor singing. The slide into musical illiteracy has been long).

My dad belongs to a church that has such congregational singing. It tries to make up for it by having a “praise band” and singers up front to “lead” the singing. Interesting thing: most of the instrumentalists in the band are in their 60s, 70s and even, like my dad, 80s. They come from generations when making their own music was still a common thing. (In his youth, for example, my dad and a bunch of his buddies bought a HUGE repertoire of charts of the swing music that was then popular and drove all over their home state playing gigs. As a real band, not some five-piece small ensemble that passes for bands nowadays.)

The musical illiteracy and lack of tone perception that is rampant nowadays is appalling.

For those few who can sing along without having some mindless drone from an electronic crutch, let me offer these chilling (yes, chilling) words from The Sound of Music:

When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most any thing.

Now, that’s a depressing thought in the face of American lack of musicality.

(Lest you think me some sort of pseudo-intellectual musical snob, academic/”serious” music nowadays is often worse thasn any of the pop genres. Heck, there’s more–much more–to appreciate in the musical wasteland of manufactured country, hip-hop, etc., than in the land of contemporary “serious” music. *sigh*)

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Add These to Your “Prayer List”

Lovely Daughter sent me this link a couple of days ago, and I just now found it in a backlog of email. Among the quotes featured there I found this:

When the Reverend Edward Everett Hale was chaplain of the U.S. Senate, he was asked if he prayed for the Senators.

“No,” he said. “I look at the Senators and pray for the country.”


Then, there’s this one, that ought to suggest “active prayers” (getting out and doing something about a problem) about the situation it portrays:

During one of his campaigns against President Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson was approached by a supporter.

“Governor, every thinking person will be voting for you,” she told Stevenson.

“Madam, that’s not enough,” he replied. “I need a majority.”

(*sigh* One of the BIG reasons we have the Congress we have and probably THE reason we have the loons and poltroons we have running for president this year.)

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Quote for the Day

Heck, this could be one of those comments that becomes a twc staple.

Reading in another pice of light reading for the past hour or so, a book from the Eric Flint-created Assiti Shards Series. That and the Belisarius Saga series are two of the most interesting “time travel/alternate reality” sets of books written in the past twenty of so years, IMO.

(All of them require some serious suspension-of-disbelief for the simple vast amount of distance in space required for any kind of time travel–especially the Assiti Shards books, as the Belisarius books feature an apparently different type of time travel–but the stories are generally interesting, especially if one is a history addict *heh*)

At any rate, Time Spike (Eric Flint with Marilyn Kosmatka) features a conversation in chapter 17 between a number of scientists and two odd men out (one’s a cop) that contains THE quote for today:

“We’re Ph.D.’s, don’t forget. Probably a bigger concentration of fruitcakes in academia than anywhere else.”

Preach on, brother!


Oh, and another, from later in the book, is worth thinking on as well:

The ‘guv’mint’ is just something way over there, powerful and immense and unyielding to any personal leverage you might have. Sure, once every two or four years you get to vote, but that’s just so you can pick which big shot sits on top of the pile. You still don’t have any leverage yourself.

Sadly, all too true.

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Internet Withdrawal

*whew!* Glad that’s over!

The last 30 hours or so have been… notsomuch interesting. But did have time to get a few more chores done around the house and such like.

A tornado and high winds thee counties north of America’s Third World County took a pretty big bite out of our cable provider’s infra. No TV (no big loss there), but also no internet service and no VOIP (until yesterday, our ONLY long distance service).

Oh, we still had local phone service, but… our backup dialup internet service bit the dust about three months ago, so no help there.

And Mothers Day. Had to call my mom. *heh* Had picked up a “throwaway” $20 cell phone (pay-as-you-go: came with two months/300 minutes, far, far more than I’ll use it in that time) juuuuust before our service outage, so Mother got her call from me. Was short. Just, “Hi Mom. My LD phone is out of service so all I have to say is, “I love you, bye-bye.” *VBG* (Couldn’t reach her until after 1:00, cos my dad had her out celebrating, I suppose.

Oh, well. I’ll call again in a minute or so and get the whole scoop.

Anywho, good ISP/cable company. Despite extensive damage, it’s back in service. Been very, very pleased with these folks.


Prisoners of Stupidity

An argument about America’s prisons being “too full” seems perennial, no matter what perspective one takes. Patterico takes on a dimwit New York Slimes columnist in a recent post, and while I agree with much of Patterico’s argument, I have to agree in principle with folks who assert that as a nation we have far too many folks in prison–including violent offenders.

Quite aside from the stupidity of incarcerating nonviolent offenders (thieves for example and such like should be required to repay court costs and many multiples–truly punitive amounts–of what they stole to their victims, and drug users and so forth should instead be given a lockup where they can have all the drugs they want, as long as they want until they waste away in a Darwinian solution… or make a different choice).

We could substantially lower the number of violent offenders in prison by selecting from the population of murderers, rapists, pedophiles and such like a significant number (something around 100%) and simply executing* them. Heck, I’d include–especially–drunk drivers who kill someone. Diminished capacity? Not when they chose to be drunks. The “helpless victim of disease” defense? In a pig’s eye. I don’t care if someone chose to become an alcohol adict; if they kill someone else as a result, they ought to be served fairly: execution is fair in such a case. If they killed themselves while drunk, well, that’d just be Darwin winning a round. In all cases where someone is executed, their entire worldly goods–including any assets they attempted to hide via spouses or in lawyers’ pockets** or whatever–ought to first be forfeited to victims and survivors.

As for many of the other violent and non-violent offenders, that population could be reduced as well by compelling them, upon conviction of their crime, to either pay punitive damages to their victims–harsh enough to beggar them if necessary, and if they have no means, then forced labor at (sorta-semi-almost) fair (slave) wages, with all but their room n board to go to victims. Yeh, we have the technology to effectively keep ’em “on the reservation”.

Those beggared by their crimes’ punishment ought also to be denied ALL public assistance in the future.

These kinds of approaches (financial punishment aimed at recompensing victims as much as possible) would work for some, perhaps enough to lower the prison count substantially. (Heck, those deemed to dangerous for society could still have their total worldly goods confiscated for victims and be compelled to work at something productive).

Squeamishness at such “slavery” is stupid. Instead of simply simmering criminals in a stewpot of advanced criminality to be eventually released as “better” criminals, at least some good might be reaped from them. Victims at least partially recompensed and penalties that touch the criminals where they hurt the most: their material possessions. (Heck, if a few families of murderers were thrown into poverty, perhaps more folks would look out for themselves by keeping track of the creeps in their own households).

Oh, and executions ought to be very, very public. Like presidential speeches, preempting public broadcasts; heck, overriding cable. If we as a society are going to kill killers, we ought to do it out in the open.

*Execution ought to serve two legitimate functions:

1. Punishment for the crime that is harsh enough to give those who are contemplating the same errors in judgement second thoughts and

2. Removal of corruption of the gene pool, corruption of society, a cleansing process if you will.

**“lawyers’ pockets”–yeh, a murderer who’s convicted? Seize his lawyer’s fees as forfeit to the victim’s family. Greedy sonsabitches who defend murders ought not to profit. Oh, you think that’d lead to lawyers refusing to take such clients? Tough. Let ’em eat cake. I do not flippin’ care.

This weekend…

…is starting early for me. I’m going to be playing with Virtualbox, and I’m putting other things in… another box, for now. (Lovely Daughter’s dropping by Saturday, so that day’s out *heh*)

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OS Play Time

No politics, no rants, no foaming at the mouth with this post. Just a lil fun.

Well, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS “Hardy Heron” has been out for over a week now, and here at twc central, three Windows computers have had it installed… three different ways. The full install (partitioning off a chunck of one hard drive) went slick as goose grease. Nice looks, snappy performance.

Two “Wubi” (Windows-based Ubuntu Installer) installs. One was straight off the CD. (Note: for the one or two readers of twc that don’t know what an iso file is or how to create a CD with one, no sweat. Just visit the Ubuntu home page, download the iso and read up on the well-written tutorial available there.)

A Wubi installation from CD in Windows is just like installing any Windows app you’ve ever installed, only a bit slicker than some. *heh* On a Toshiba Satellite WinXP system, the hard part was putting the CD in the drive. *yawn* Slipped it in during a commercial break (was watching one of my Wonder Woman’s fav shows with her) and autostart brought up the Wubi installer. Told it what user name and password I wanted and let it trundle along. Next commercial break, looked over at the notebook and it was asking for a reboot. Let it. It did its thing and before next commercial break it was rebooting and giving me a choice of booting Windows XP or Ubuntu, using the Windows XP boot manager.


Continue reading “OS Play Time”

What Politicians (ALL of Them) Do Not Want You to Think About

There is one dirty little fact of life that no politician (well, vanishingly few, OK?) wants you to think on:

Consider the fundamental fact that a statement cannot be literally ‘taken back’. Once said, it’s there. More so, of course, if it has been recorded, less if it is just quoted by some journalist. The idea that a statement can be ‘retracted’ is largely rubbish. Statements can be admitted to be wrong, regretted, abandoned or contradicted, but it cannot be retracted. It just exists on record, and, if not contradicted, will continue to have some kind of validity, and can be returned to at a latter opportunity if so desired.

To truly and effectively annul a political statement, the person who made the statement needs to admit that it was wrong, have sincere regret for his mistake, abstain from making similar remarks in the future, and actively work for the opposite point of view.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Obama’s Philadelphia Racist Speech or Juan MexiCain’s “It’s not an amnesty bill!” lie speech on the floor of the Senate, once it’s said, it’s in the record, and unless the politician is willing to “…admit that it was wrong, have sincere regret for his mistake, abstain from making similar remarks in the future, and actively work for the opposite point of view,” it will forever after qualify any remarks on the topic by said politician.

Obama’s “denunciation” of the man he defended in his last seech on the topic? Well, obviously, either his Philadelphia speech or his most recent denunciation (or both) are filled with outright lies. Juan MexiCain’s recent weak sister pronouncements that we ought to defend our borders before offering amnesty (though he doesn’t use the word, just the same weasel words he did before)? Absent admitting he was outright lying before about offering amnesty BEFORE taking any steps to secure our borders, any pledges or comments now can be taken with a grain of salt. If that much.

Politicians really, really do not want you recalling their past words and deeds and holding them accountable, which is all the more reason why we ought to.

Oh, the quoted material above? It’s from a piece at Jihad Watch that is well worth reading, dealing with a situation in Turkey.

When memory fails…

…there’s the web.

For some obscure reason (well, obscured from my knowledge), I thought about Tattoo today. No, not body disfiguring by savages or Ricardo Montalban’s one-time sidekick, Tattoo the bugle call. I was rocking along just fine until the third phrase (the first two are virtually the same) of this longest of standard bugle calls eluded my flagging memory, so…

Via google, I hied meself off to the definitive bugle call resource on the web, at the U.S. Army Band’s site. Aha! That’s how that third phrase goes, I realized. Nice that the site includes both an mp3 file and the “sheet music” for download/listening/viewing/printing.

Reason #1,546,432 why I love the web. (Yeh, for those of y’all who read my reason #1,546,328, I’ve found a few more since then :-))

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Contributions of Islamic Culture

And a Bonus Re-Run at the foot of this post!

Eric, an email contributor to Cahos Manor Mail, in a discussion about “I.Q. and evolution” noted, in passing,

“While Islamic culture has not, I believe, kept up with the West in terms of their contribution to the species, their early contributions in terms of mathematics, philosophy, law and art were flowering when the inhabitants of Paris and London were picking at fleas.”

Perhaps not the best example. Indeed, I’m tempted to throw the bullshit flag on this comment. Islamic culture has contributed little that it did not acquire (steal) from other, conquered, peoples. Algebra, trigonometry and so-called “Arabic numerals”? Hindu contributions (although algebraic principles were known and used as early as Babylon and a Western treatise, written by Diophantus of Alexandria in the 3rd century AD predates the rise of Islam by a couple of centuries), swept up by Muslim kleptocrats and falsely claimed as Islamic accomplishments. Similarly, most of the scientific “contributions” of Islamic culture were acquired (stolen) through conquest of the folks who really developed them, and when Islamic culture did acquire (steal) some neat new toy, it was likely, as the case with algebra’s use in astrology, to be more likely put to use serving Islamic superstitions than anything useful. (Granted: some of the medical and engineering discoveries Islam acquired in conquest were put to some practical uses. In fact, I’ll admit Averroes as a nearly unique outlier in the otherwise bleak landscape of Islamic “scholars”. Nearly unique. There were a very few others over the centuries. Very, very few.)

Oh, and BTW, algebra has been independently discovered/developed–genuinely discovered/developed, not simply picked up from a conqured people–many times throughout history. Islamic scholars simply played around with mathematical concepts stolen from somewhere else and have been falsely credited with creating algebra. Heck, even “Arabic” numerals were in use by Western mathematicians before they “escaped into the wild” from Islamic astrologers and merchants who had stolen acquired them from their Hindu inventors.


In the Arab World—until modern times—the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was used only by mathematicians. Muslim scientists used the Babylonian numeral system, and merchants used the Abjad numerals, a system similar to the Greek numeral system and the Hebrew numeral system. Therefore, it was not until Fibonacci that the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was used by a large population.ref

The Western world, however, while still using such things to serve superstitious ends (such as today’s Anthropogenic Global Warming superstitions), has mostly used such discoveries to advance knowledge as a whole. Hanging onto relatively advanced concepts gleaned from Islamic conquest for centuries without making any significant use of them doesn’t really qualify as making “contributions to the species”.

[Note: Fibonacci, of course, was not Islamic. *heh* Typical. Magpie Muslims hoard and only accidentally “drop” an occasional jewel of knowledge stolen acquired elsewhere. Western scholars, like Fibonacci typically spread their knowledge much more widely and used it to much greater effect.]

Islamic culture today is esentially the same as it has always been: its only “advances” are what it can steal or buy (theft from the unbeliever always being preferred to purchase). I suspect much of the blowhard puffery about the superiority of Islamic culture spouted by imams and the common Muslim stems from the fact that Muslims are simply lying to themselves to cover their culture’s inherent inferiority to the West.

Note this list of Nobel Prizes and note the number awarded to putative Muslims (and the exceptions noted in the text below the list) for “creative” Nobels–3–as opposed to Nobels awarded in creative endeavors to Jews–131. As the author notes in the post,

No wonder Muslims hate Jews: It’s so embarrassing to see what Jews have accomplished compared to a population 100 times larger.

And that’s just Islam vs. Jews in terms of creativity, “contributions to the species”. A culture, such as Islamic culture, that enstupiates its people, that can only–or at least by a huge majority– “advance” by stealing acquiring new things from others, is hardly a culture worth celebrating, now is it? Of course *sigh* that’s the kind of autocratic, thought-stifling culture leftists, multiculturalists, educrats, Mass Media Podpeople and their ilk are all attempting to create here in the U.S…. *profound sigh*

BTW, “…their early contributions in terms of mathematics, philosophy, law and art were flowering when the inhabitants of Paris and London were picking at fleas,” deserves a further response:

“[P]icking at fleas”? During the 8th-15th Centuries, the supposed “flower” of Islamic culture (where “flowering” means “greatest period of magpie aquisition from conquered cultures”), Europeans in Paris and London–supposedly spending their time “picking at fleas”–included such “flea pickers” as Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus, William of Ockham and Duns Scotus. Gee, how in the world did they ever stop “flea-picking” long enough to give us the scientific method (now completely ignored by such as The Church of Anthropocentric Global Warmists–*heh*), among other inconsequential “flea-pickings”? Sure, many of these were inspired by Islamic works describing the many advances Muslims had acquired from other cultures (do note the exception above concerning Averroes and a very few other Muslim scholars, and do note also that Averroes’ most inspiring–to Western scholars such as Bacon–works were his commentaries on… Aristotle *heh*).

“[P]icking at fleas” indeed. *pfui*

Overall actual “contributions to the species” of Islamic culture: slim to none. On balance, that The Religion of Hate is a negative contributor to world culture there can be no doubt, as the following attempts to demonstrate, with slightly dark humor, comparing THE unique “contribution” of Islamic culture to Redneck Culture in these [dys]United States demonstrates.

And now for a repost (3rd re-run!) of a fav of mine from several years ago, a multi-cultural post for you, a blast from the past rerun of a long-ago Precision Guided Humor Assignment, celebrating the one true, genuine, authentic “contribution” to Western Culture made by Islam, the splodydope:

The Third World County’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Detecting an Islamofascist Murdering Savage SOB Terrorist.

See a suspect? Maneuver to get the wind ’em. (Scent The stench of rotting camel–or other–dung may be your first clue apart from the fact that the guy looks like an Ay-rab.)

Step 1.) Does the goober smell worse than–well, Goober? If so, he’s either a Loony Left Moonbat or a Islamofascist murdering savage SOB. Bag ‘im either way.

Step 2.) When you perform a “cranial echo test” (whack ‘im on the head with an axe handle) does a “thunk” or no sound at all procede from his pie hole? If a “thunk” then it’s a Loony Left Moonbat and good for catfish feed or for bait for wild boar. If no sound at all issues, then there’s nothing inside (sound doesn’t travel in a vaccuum, you know) and you have a splodydope. Remove any useful explosives and see uses for Loony Left Moonbat, above. If the critter attempts to bite the axe handle, it’s an osama and should be doused with gasoline and burned (after removing any useful explosives for later use fishing or blowing stumps).

Do bury any remains of an osama in pig manure and turn the compost frequently. Use this compost to kill kudzu.

There. Wasn’t that all warm and fuzzy, multi-culti?

(Oh, and before someone charges me with dehumanizing or demonizing Loony Left Moonbats or terrorists, please note that Loony Left Moonbats and terrorists have beat me to the punch and either dehumanized or demonized themselves before I could get in on the act. I’m just calling the cards that are already dealt.)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Conservative Cat, Kodera’s Korner, The Yankee Sailor, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.