Whatta day…

Today started out wonderfully. First up: dragging my allergy-aching joints outa a finally-attained REM sleep cycle.

Oh, well. Another chance for real sleep tonight.

Things to do, things to do… must I really do them?
(“Yes,” comes the answer, loudly and clearly. *heh*)

Thankfully (or not, depending on the viewpoint–I voted mostly “Not” :-)), the winds of fortune blew cold on my internet connection today. Ongoing repairs to the repairs on damage from recent heavy storms took out our cable connection (and TV, too–on my Wonder Woman’s first day officially out of school–“officially” I say, because she has piles and piles of work to prepare for next year’s onslaught of piles and piles–and even more piles and piles–of bureucrappic jiggling required to keep her libraries “certified”. ‘S’OK, the cable was out cos she really does need to keep cranking for a while before decompressing ).

Meanwhile, with my broadband out (and our backup dialup dead, defunct, iced, whacked, gone baby gone), I had no option but to actually, well, get some things done that I’d been deferring. (Yeh, finally back online in late afternoon.)

In the mess of things (still managing to avoid a buncha things, of course–practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does afford interesting ways to make mistakes) was a teensy lil project for my Wonder Woman–transferring the main elements of her primary office’s “brag wall” to the wall by her desk here at home. Nothing much, just some diplomas and her Phi Kappa Phi membership cert. Looks nice. My own “brag wall” is bare by comparison; I have managed to lose some diplomas (yeh, yeh, I know they’re probably in boxes somewhere) sometime in the last few moves. No sweat. Probably in a box marked “dung” somewhere. *heh* (That’s what the file Dad-Dad kept all his diplomas and “honors” in was labeled as, and I seem to recall having affected such a convention at one time.)

No, I am NOT mowing the lawn this evening. Maybe tomorrow evening, sometime before my Wonder Woman and I watch a video she’s been waiting for. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the garlic popcorn and the company, and that’s enough reason to “watch” a video with her. (Heck, I watched Ratatouille with her, didn’t I? And yes, the garlic popcorn and the company were great. :-))