WP Upgrade–not so joy-joy *heh*

Well, as of this writing, the upgrade to WP 2.2.3 has resulted in the fragging of twc. Mike Little’s Journalized Theme, which has been the basis for this blog’s public face since its move to WordPress, is broken by the upgrade (see Update), so I’ll be trying a variety of diferent boilerplate until I either find something I like or discover what the issue is (or have someone hand me a solution on a platter).

Until that happens, some of this site’s functionality will be… crippled a bit. *sigh* Just have to see how it goes, and what kind of time and energy I have available to give it.

Oh. Well.

Update: Well, installed and tweaked (a bit) several different ready-made themes from the WP library and disliked them all. UNinstalled the Journalized theme and simply re-installed it from a backed up copy. Seems to be working fine. Compared the files in the copy I removed with the backed up copy. No differences I could find. I guess the stuff just needed to be reinstalled. Strange, but I’m not really complaining. Sure, the theme I have is cluttered, a lil cramped and all–though that’s not really the fault of the theme template :-)–but if it ain’t broke… 🙂