Ready-made Sermon

Yesterday, at the (one and only) local auto parts store, I happened to run into the pastor of THE (one and only–*heh*) “First Christian Church” here in America’s Third World County Hub “City”. (No, no one was hurt.) I stopped him with,

“Hey, Dave!” (Yeh, an easy name to remember :-)) “I have a ready made sermon for ya. As I was driving through Xxxxx, XX earlier this morning–you know, in the 45mph zone–a church van that said ‘First Christian Church, Xxxxx, XX’ (not his church) zoomed by at 55-60mph. Great ‘witness’ eh? Not only does the law not apply to them, but the scriptures they claim to live by (that require them to obey the law) don’t either. Have fun preaching that sermon!”