Fifi Bush Commutes Scooter’s Sentence… sorta.

But no pardon?

Let’s see now… Sandy Berger WAS guilty of a REAL crime–wittingly stealing and destroying government documents pertinent to an ongoing Congressional investigation–and got a baby slap on the wrist. Scooter Libby is convicted of a non-crime (recalling circumstances differenty to the way a couple of Mass Media Podpeople “remember”–read”Known liars make up story to cover their a__ses”–in a “case” investigating something that was never a crime anyway!) and is socked with a $250,000 fine and real jail time. Ramos and Compean were convicted of another fake crime by a feddle persecutor tasked with enforcing President Fifi Bush’s (Fifi Bush: President Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog) treasonous policy of preventing the enforcement of our borders, and the list goes on and on and on: outlaws and brigands and traitors and thieves rewarded while good folks doing their jobs and trying to be law-abiding citizens are persecuted. It’s classic anarcho-tyranny.

Scooter’s left with no law license, a $250,000 fine and his life in shambles. For recalling something differently to how others recall the event (each of whom recalled it differently from each other, as well–so why aren’t they in trouble?) in the investigation of something that was never a crime to begin with!

Bush long since should have pardoned Ramos and Compean (and placed their feddle persecutor in prison for abuse of power) AND Scooter Libby. Heck, Martha Stewart should have been pardoned and the feddle persecutors (who elicited perjored testimony in order to gain her conviction, if the subsequent indictment for perjury of the chief witness against her is any indication) should have been tarred, feathered and run off the planet.

I have no use for this administration any more. And nearly as little desire to see the congresscritters now populating Congress continue to pollute the air…