Microsoft Bashing

OK, I admit it: I like picking on the (mostly caged) 600-pound gorilla as much as you probably do, and there is certainly a LOT to B&M about when it comes to Me$$y$oft’s software. After all, we’ve been through TWO “patch Tuesday’s” this month and Microsoft is giving folks NO clue about when the DNS vulnerability that’s been actively exploited this week (!) is going to be patched. Yeh, sure, it probably doesn’t affect you directly since you’re probably not running M$ “Advanced” (*heh*) Server 2000/2003… but some of the networks you surf use it (and that might explain some ‘net wonkiness this week–might).

But the Mac ads touting how Macs just don’t need protection from malware are pure hokum, bunk, B.S. Not to put too fine a point on it, such claims are lies.

Apple has released a wide-ranging security update for Mac OS X. It’s the fourth for the year, which has us wondering if the company’s moving to a monthly schedule

Hmmm, that’s what, one fewer than Microsoft has released this year? For a platform that has juuuust about 5% of the users that Microsoft boasts, Apple doesn’t really have to try harder to appear safer. It’s such a small target, it’s little wonder it’s attacked very often, but when it is… well, from my personal experience, a far greater proportion of Mac users are clueless what to do to recover from such attacks than M$ users (or Linux users). And Apple serves its users not at all well by selling the idea that Macs just don’t have to worry about malware, that Macs are inherently secure, etc.

BTW, my month or so experience with PC-BSD has led me to the conclusion that if you really, really want to run BSD with a cool GUI on a computer, you can do it much, much less expensively than buying an Intel computer running Mac OSX (which is really just BSD with the proprietary Mac GUI straightjacket tacked on top). Heck, build the biggest, flashiest honker of an Intel box you want (or even AMD), save the $$$ shakedown from Apple and install PC-BSD for free. “Outa the box” it’s easy to use, easy to find and install apps, etc. And you can even make it look and feel mostly like Mac (a more friendly, more easily configurable) OSX, if you’re feeling particularly masochistic.


Just a thought…

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Pet’s Garden Blog, Rightlinx, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.