Green Chicken Casserole

It’s not as bad as you’d think from the title. 🙂

“Green Chicken Casserole”

Doesn’t that name conjure a pretty picture? *heh* It’s a pseudo-Mexican/Southwestern dish that’s easy for gringo taste buds to handle. It’s a nice, mild dish with a moderate Southwestern flavor for those with tender taste buds who can’t take hot foods. And since you can assemble it almost all from pre-packaged ingredients, it’s easy for kids (or non-kitchen oriented spouses) to make. The only potentially non-kid-friendly part—depending on age, experience, apptitude and temperament—is chopping the onion, and if one really HAD to, one could use a food processor for that… well, that and “hot dish from the oven” skills.

2-10oz cans of GREEN enchilada sauce
2-4oz cans (or one 10oz, if you can find it) chipped mild green chiles
one can cream of chicken soup
3 medium (or 2 large) cooked chicken breasts, cubed (or a coupla cans of chicken *s*)
One-half large YELLOW onion, chopped
24 corn tortillas
about 2C shredded cheese. A colby/jack cheese mixture is good. I like a little mozarella thrown on top.
Leaf lettuce
Sour cream
325F Oven (About 165C)

Fire up the oven.

Mix the green enchilada sauce, chopped green chiles, cubed chicken and cream of chicken soup to make the sauce.

Grease or oil a 9″X12″ baking dish. Bacon grease is great, unless you live with a cardio patient as I do, otherwise, a good olive oil will do.

Chop the onion. (Do I need to do a clinic on using a chef’s knife to chop an onion? I thought not. I use my 10″-blade Sabatier for almost all veggie processing. Faster than having to assemble, disassemble, clean, etc., a food processor by LOTS.) Chop all the onion, but just use half in the dish. The rest can be part of a garnish or refrigerated in a plastic bag to “sweeten” for another meal.

Assemble the dish as so:

Layer the bottom of the 9X12 baking dish with six overlapping tortillas; cover with sauce; sprinkle on chopped onion; cover in shredded cheese; next layer…

Top layer as before, but no onion on top layer. 24 tortillas yields four layers of six flat “enchilladas”—more than enough for four pigs, easily will serve six as the main dish in a full meal. For an empty nest, 3 or 4 days’ meals. Freeze or refrigerate leftovers, cos it warms up nicely in oven or microwave.

325 oven for 35-45 minutes, depending on how much browning you want on the top layer of cheese.
Top with chopped onion, shredded leaf lettuce and sour cream, if desired. Add sides of refried beans, “Spanish” rice, and chips to scoop the rice and beans, etc.

Carnival of the Recipes #27 is Up

Missed it again…

For the second week in a row, I’ve missed getting a recipe into the Carnival of the Recipes. But that’s not going to keep me from sucking the marrow out of this week’s submissions. I always get at least one good recipe I can try out immediately (have to make another batch of “Cinabons” soon!), and my recipe folder is filling up with enough goodies to put back on the 50 pounds I’ve taken off, if I’m not careful.

Check it out, over at Inside Alan’s Mind.

I think next week will feature some of this week’s Carnival recipes, such as

Italian Potato Leek Soup
Elotes (Mexican Corn) Salad
Posole (although I have another very good recipe for Posole from DNW—thanks Dave!)
“Mad Scientist” Chicken Casserole (yum!), at the very least.

See the rest of this week’s entries here.


“I’m number nine! I’m number nine!”

It just doesn’t have the ring of “I’m number one!”


Googled “Third World County” and out of 1,360 hits, this blog came in at the number nine spot.

*profound sigh*

I just have to do something to trade y’all in on a new readership.


The Emperor’s New Clothes

Hanging out the wash: Is this what the death of art looks like?

Strange thing… all the articles I’ve seen on the web that praise this washer-woman’s nightmare have been strangely devoid of pictures. Maybe that’s because the gushing praise would sound even more inane in the face of such crap. John Podhoretz’s article, “Masterpiece,” in the New York Post sums up my estimation of this blotch/”art” better than I can.Posted by Hello

“So what if walking through the park simulated nothing so much as traveling through a car wash without the car?”

And that’s the highest praise he has for this piece of… work.

Naturally, the “art world” is agog. The ninnies.

U.N. Oil-for-fraud

The tip of the iceberg

Mark Steyn pegs the corruption that goes by the name “U.N.” in a piece filed yesterday, “UN Forces—Just a bunch of Thugs?”

“… corrupt organisations rarely stop at just one kind. If you don’t want to bulk up your pension by skimming the Oil-for-Food programme, don’t worry, whatever your bag, the UN can find somewhere that suits – in West Africa, it’s Sex-for-Food, with aid workers demanding sexual services from locals as young as four; in Cambodia, it’s drug dealing; in Kenya, it’s the refugee extortion racket; in the Balkans, sex slaves.”

Read the whole thing.

A General Summary

I stole the subject of this post from Kipling for a reason…

Lynne Stewart, so-called “activist” lawyer, is convicted of aiding her client, has been convicted “…of helping terrorists by smuggling messages of violence from one of her imprisoned clients — a radical Egyptian sheik — to his terrorist disciples on the outside.” Promptly squeals, whines and goes running to sympathetic fellow-travelers in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army.

Eason Jordan, erstwhile vice-president at CNN, in charge of CNN “News”—the most busted name in news—quits in hopes that the furor over his accusations of the U.S. military deliberately targeting jourmalists for assassination will die on the vine. He has the power—he sits on the board of the sponsoring group—to get the tape of his Davos conference remarks released but won’t. Yeh, that tells us all we need to know about what he said, as opposed to what he now says he said.

Harry Reid can do nothing in the face of Republicans citing his actual words and deeds of record except whine that citations of fact are “personal attacks.” (Poor baby. If his public life were factually different, he’d have nothing to whine about at all, it seems.)

Teddy Kennedy. ’nuff said.

Jean Fraud sKerry. Too much said.

Why detail all the corruption and evil commited by people in positions of trust? Kipling said it as well as can be said. (And no apologies from me to people who’ve heard me quote this for years):

A General Summary
Rudyard Kipling

WE ARE very slightly changed
From the semi-apes who ranged
India’s prehistoric clay;
He that drew the longest bow
Ran his brother down, you know,
As we run men down to-day.

“Dowb,” the first of all his race,
Met the Mammoth face to face
On the lake or in the cave:
Stole the steadiest canoe,
Ate the quarry others slew,
Died—and took the finest grave.

When they scratched the reindeer-bone,
Some one made the sketch his own,
Filched it from the artist—then,
Even in those early days,
Won a simple Viceroy’s praise
Through the toil of other men.
Ere they hewed the Sphinx’s visage
Favouritism governed kissage,
Even as it does in this age.

Who shall doubt “the secret hid
Under Cheops’ pyramid”
Was that the contractor did
Cheops out of several millions?
Or that Joseph’s sudden rise
To Comptroller of Supplies
Was a fraud of monstrous size
On King Pharaoh’s swart Civilians?

Thus, the artless songs I sing
Do not deal with anything
New or never said before.
As it was in the beginning
Is to-day official sinning,
And shall be for evermore!