Random “Pet ” Peeve

When a little creature some mistake for a dog nips at your heels, step on it. Hard. No. Harder. ::squish-pop!:: That’s about right…

All these evil little vermin people keep as pets, vermin the folks call dogs but are really just lil rats in disguise… don’t you just want to call them by a more appropriate name? Like “Dog Food”?

I will admit, though, that they do make decent kick toys. And four or five of ’em might make a decent meal for a real dog. Or a base for an Asian stew.

(Ya know Chihuahuas got their start as stewpot critters, don’t you?)

A Cosmic Tap on the Shoulder

Get that out of my eyes!

In December, the Milky Way Associationâ„¢ delivered a belated Welcome Wagon Basketâ„¢ to Earth.

“A huge explosion halfway across the galaxy packed so much power it briefly altered Earth’s upper atmosphere in December, astronomers said Friday. [February 18]

No known eruption beyond our solar system has ever appeared as bright upon arrival…

…The blast originated about 50,000 light-years away and was detected Dec. 27…

…’That it can reach out and tap us on the shoulder like this, reminds us that we really are linked to the cosmos,’ said Phil Wilkinson of IPS Australia, that country’s space weather service.”

Glad to know the universe knows we’re in the neighborhood…